Show h. h or i.-or or Three Days nayS Only Thursday J Saturday May Friday Saturday Saturday May Nay 24 23 BIGGEST Wallpaper and oni Paint P EVER CONDUCTED dMU sALE OF OF SOUTH OF SALT LAKE LADE is under person personal l direction o of Mr Elias Woodbury Woodbur Wallpaper ibis hi S Sale a Ie and Paint Expert t who will kill be than to more help solve pleased leased you Paint your and Wallpaper Problems COME EARLY A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL VILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASE 1 Mir glo Lucky Seven House A eo Complete mp I e t e I. I line me 0 of f up- up date up-to-date t 0 d ate Mir Miracle Mircle cle Finish Finish DrIes Dries over overnight Paint the Ilie night Easy night Easy to apply Wall Nall I 11 a II P Papers apers finish Re-finish your furniture woodwork wood wood- Is a pure linseed oil paint made work and walls at a trifling Per R Roll 0 II an and d up tip for the western climate and is this washable with ith COS cost t W B Beautiful eau tf 1 u 1 Modernistic a d 1 f finish 1018 h sold under a money back if not Gallons 42 a D' D Designs 10 in d delicate e 1 Ica t e non non- nona non fading f a d. d mg satisfied Guarantee Q Quarts gr greens this ens sale and orchids included in inthis There is no better Detter paint Pints 75 Regular Regular retail retail value Fr Free FreeWith ee During this sale saleh sale sale- 1 Fun Full p 5 lb packages h hot 0 t or cold coldwater co Id With each wall wan paper order of G Gallons a II on S 2 95 or over overwater overwater over over- water Smoothing brush Quarts 89 Pints 54 Strictly Pure White Lead Cwt 1450 Floor Varnish Dries over night qt Strictly Pure Linseed Oil Gal Linoleum Linoleum Varnish Red or Brown Roof Paint Gal Floor Enamels for all kinds G Green reen R Roof f Paint Gal Gal 1 9 U of floors qt Silver Gray Gry 00 Paint Auto Enamels non-fading non qt up Brushes for Every Purpose at For Chicken Coops Barns Gal Sale Prices 1 iIII I FREE With each paint order order One One Package Re it Paint and Enamel wash Cedar Mercantile Co eat distresses me any more I Sargon Pills gave me lasting re relief relief relief re- re I i lief from constipation and my color is better than in years Mrs P. P J. J Balke I 2539 W. W St. St Denver PETERSEN DRUG CO Agents I Weighed Pounds Gains 20 on Sargon I only weighed pounds when I started taking Sargon and now I weigh and my nt whole system is in a strong healthy condition My kidneys I I q t o ft I J oI I T rj iA t I 1 i. v t MRS P. P J. J BALE BALKE gave me a world of trouble I never knew what it meant to sleep well and my nerves seemed right at the breaking point My appetite was poor I suffered suffered suffered suf suf- with indigestion and became terribly terribly terribly ter ter- thin and weak Its It's wonderful I how Sargon strengthened me I never I have trouble with my kidneys my nerves are strengthened I sleep good and my appetite is fine Nothing J IJ I Everything In B WING BlASTING SUPPLIES POWDER CAPS FUSES RUSES Stock at C Cedar aar er i City Powder Magazine 1 kilford tord Co I. I E. E RIDDLE CO Utah Cedar City Utah r I LOST LOST Ford rord r rear rear ar seat cushion Finder Flader Find Find- er please leave at Service Sta- Sta tion Reward M 24 pd PHONE 51 THAT MEANS 0 k kJ ki 1 I I I I J i I IJ Ii I i- i J i iI iI I I i i Groceries Vegetables Canned Meats orders receive the same quality of groceries and meats that you Phone calls caUs at atour atour atour if you selected them yourself We appreciate personal would get our store but for your convenience our phone and delivery service is yours Standard Supply ui 1 Co 6 For Sale or Trade Property In desirable location in Salt Bal Lake City for Cedar CIt City property at Utah Cervice Station M Adv M 10 tf U. FOR SALE SALE 3 1 Room house and lot J. J A. A KOPP Phone 79 T Adv M 3 M tf T t AUTOMOBILES WANTED An makes and models We bu buy sell and trade Parts for all cars f f CEDAR AUTO WRECKING CO Adv M 21 M 24 pd WANTED Roomers or boarders Call at So 1st East Ad M 21 M 21 pd Probate and I Guardianship N Notice ti For Further Information Consult County Clerk or Respective Signer Estate of John V. V Adams Adama deceased Creditors will present claims ms with vouchers to the undersigned at Ced Cedar Cedr r City Utah on or before the 1st day July 1930 WILLIAM B. B ADAMS Executor Adv A 21 A 30 W Women omen Suffering Bladder Irr Irritation t tion If It functional Bladder Irritation dis disturbs cUi- cUi your sleep or causes Burning or Itching Sensation Backache Leg Ler Pains Pain or muscular aches making you fOU feel teel tired depressed an and 1 discouraged why not try the 48 Hour TeUDo t give up Oct Get today Put It to tor r the test teat See for tor yourself how quickly quick quick- ly it works and nd what it does Money Monel back if it doesn't bring quick Improvement improvement Improvement Improve Improve- ment and satisfy you completely Try today Only PETERSEN DRUG CO The Bank Of Southern Utah Cedar City Utah Capital Surplus Strongest Bank In III So Southern them Utah |