Show r. r lJ r r r. r T r-r r r r. r r- r r. r r rr r.r. Jo V. V Y I Indian Ruler Famous for Astronomical Study Stady There lived In India In the Seventeenth Seven century n II ruler known as us Jill JAI Singh II II 11 tint mind being keenly Interested In III lie hI evolved a II series l of structure which not nOI now no used for practical pur purposes purposes pur poses constitute the time must most unique as os Instruments In exl He lit appears lo to have hae collected all kinds of ot agronomical lx honks and vent sent nt some same workers to foreign countries to gather Information having determined the Mud kind of It Instruments required on tin which to mike make the necessary recording of ot the movements of the heavenly boll bodies I tS he selected five pI places ores In India lo as u the centers In which the ot ob tf observations should he taken The Time first he bull built at al Delhi HE and amid then others ID to henares and Mathura The rime observatories In Delhi Deihl and r have been carefully restored In ad to 10 a II number another of ot metal metat meats he erected large lare masonry In ip some of or them as high as IX iN feet Very careful records ree were madof made mad e of tit the observations of lit his stag staff o of f workers and modern astronomers have hue expressed surprise at the time valuable alu able Inhumation ma lion thus collected Th The ruler responsible for tor these Interesting g Instruments died In 1743 1143 and his wives concubines and ond science expired expire wIth him on his funeral pyre |