Show I. I IRON COUNTY RECORD RECORD Entered M AS Second Clue Claws MAn Mall Matter in Cedar City Utah December December Decem Decem- ber 16 10 1893 Under the Act of Congress of March 3 1879 Issued and aDd Saturday y di Week ROLLO Ac da SONS DONS PUBLISHERS J SUBSCRIPTION RATES RATES- On Ona Year Tear Strictly In Advance 17 00 Ml Ms M 1150 I. I O Onne HUM 75 rs ADVERTISING BATES RAUl- RAUl 35 M cents cent per column Inch Agency commission 15 IS per cent Cash discount by bJ of month 2 per cent tent rOB POR R BALE WANTED AND EXCHANGE readers 10 tents cent per line Une tint first in- in 6 S tents centa per line Un each additional insertion of same copy CARD OF or THANKS tUO each PROFESSIONAL CARDS 25 CARDS 39 cents centa per lien issue t. t 1 t. t 11 rv I r For Comfortable Reading USE WESTINGHOUSE MAZDA LAMPS LAMPSA A 4 8 W Dixie Power rower Company t Our Oar Guest When you enter our store w we e look upon you as our invited guest We have repeatedly invited you here to select with your own hands the food items you desire to eat and to serve the whole family Not only that we have promised you the best quality of foods obtainable obtainable obtainable ob ob- at saving prices Your Guest Like the host or hostess of the home our entire store force is c constantly busy securing and preparing preparing pre pre- paring foods for your convenience and pleas pleas- ure Every possible assistance assistance assistance as as- attention and courtesy will be extended extend extend- ed you when the guest of our store Try being our invited guest when next you are in need of the best quality foods at saving prices Cedar City and St. St George GeorgeA GeorgeO O p S G G S FOOD STORES A Surety of Purity PARENTS PARENT who wish to give their 4 and 6 S year old children the advantage of a six weeks Summer Bummer Kindergarten course may reserve resene a place by calling calling call call- ing MRS oms MATTIE MATIIE H. H BOOTH on or before Saturday May Adv M 21 M 21 pd ORPHEUM Wed Ved and Thurs Buster Keaton In Sn II Free and Easy His first talking picture 0 also l News Friday Satu Saturday day dayN N Nancy aney Carroll Carron Carrollin in Dangerous Paradise with Richard Arlen also Chapter of Tarzan The Tiger Friday Frida Silver Friday Silver Night Sun Mon 1 and Tues Charles King and Bessie Love Lovein in inC C Chasing asing Rainbows THORLEY Wednesday Last China Night Nigh Thurs Fri and Sat Ken Ien Maynard laynard in Senoir Americano Sunday and Monday Girl From Havana 1 I I St STRIKING J ING VERSIONS of f the SEPARATE Ii j I COAT V FOR SPRING i I at OJ J ij m tJ f u a and n d o t f I 7 f b 1475 14 75 I t f l lr t f. f laW MW r Spring prim coat tops tope t die s slew new mode mod Jut it M U gracefully and sad afy M n the frocks under UDder th fo lei 11 Sf Semi JM r i apr dashing ecar t skirts ale new I detro ory a. a X 11 raa nap nag e of new DeW 11 colors colon fax In the tbt coat COlt fahS fah- fah wo h. h tiel c S foe for sad and Y t CO 1 J. J JC P. P I I I THE NEW VI VOSS Jr The Biggest Value on the Market l By all means means do not buy an electric washer until you rou ha have e tried the i. i I i l. l Voss We ask you ou to compare it with anything on the market 2 w f r The Price Only Only Only- w 97 CASH CASK TERMS Leigh s Furniture Carpet Co Cedar City U Utah th th a t s IJ is t z ONE ON why 4 y j 1 3 W i e Is h toM told with Ith a i definite Guarantee backed by Gen Genera General f I Motors as l m my y F aZ to lo And still as more a purchaser Import important l is ise are e n In Ule 1 e as a the you fact act that thaI year after i year ur lon Ion Ion y Q m l to Co the satisfaction A after aler the guarantee M bJ has VA expired should be r re required I If service a I 11 In l It l i It rendered j antly and without r re removing I moving the mach machine O I from rom the f V W. W H. H SMITH Sl COMPANY COl Cedar City Utah North Main lain Phone I MONEY TO LOAN LOAN on on Main Street property and homes or to construct new cew buildings WESTERN LOAN CO F. F W. W Agent Ment Adv M 21 M 21 pd I |