Show Sheep for Sale es e s Ar er ewes ens With APril I In tine fine con con- FoSTER I bed room close In 17 Priced pS Can TO RENT Large housekeeping room furnished Good location Phone I Adv M M pd RELIABLE MAN about 30 years old with car wanted to call on farmers in Iron County Make 8 to 15 daily dally No experience or capital needed Write to to- to day Company Dept H Freeport Freeport Freeport Free- Free port Illinois Adv Adv M 21 M 21 pd For Sale or Rent Four room house So First West St. St Lot 3 rods all aU fenced in Hot and cold water connection cement basement clean and in good condition condition condi condl tion newly papered and painted closets clos clod closets ets cupboards bins and drawers built bunt buntIn in garden stuff up fruit and shade had trees shrubbery and flowers lawn garage gai garage gA and coal shed chicken coop cement sidewalk An opportunity See HAROLD SARGENT at Bank of Ot Southern Utah for Information M r r l j a l |