Show Fighting the Automobile Accident Menace Se Several Sei i l slated g llA hA a embarked on intensive campaigns to lower lowe r the gigantic tc annual toll of deaths and injuries caused by auto auto- mobiles V During 1030 Maryland has hns suspended the licenses of drivers ers era rs revoked and refused license applications from 1262 for such ruch offenses as drunken driving failure to stop after accidents and driving at nt extremely high speeds The New York Safety responsibility law not only suspends or revokes the of reckless or incompetent drivers but pr provides pro pro- o- o vides ides that before they can be they must provide proof of their ability to satisfy damages that may accrue from future accidents either by cash deposit bond or insurance policy Connecticut has adopted a plan by which drivers who have accidents must pay higher rates for insurance than era rs The trend throughout the entire nation is toward modernized strictly enforced traffic codes laws making examination of potential potential po po- drivers necessary ry and severe punishments when motorists motorists motorists motor motor- are inexcusably careless or incompetent Something's tragic tragically ally wrong when persons can be killed and s seriously serious serious- ly Iy injured in a single lingle year by t Automobiles 1 |