Show Score Another Win WinFor WinFor WinFor For Jack Isbell In a shoot held at Richfield Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- day in which two sixty-two men from all allover allover allover over the state took part Jack Isbell of Cedar added new laurels to his already long string of shooting wins Jack won the doubles with a score of 22 of 12 pairs tied for second In the yard 23 handicap with 23 out of 25 and was fifth in the yard 16 singles with a score of 91 Cedar City's team won second place losing to Bingham by two points to out of J J. J B. B Bess scored 22 of 25 in the 23 yard handicap while Jim Stacey scored scored I ed 21 20 In the doubles Stacey counte- counte 17 while he counted 85 83 in the singles Bess and Bill BUI Hunter each scored 86 I in the singles I Jim Johnson the fifth member o othe of f the Cedar team scored 88 in the I singles I |