Show Robert who ho was seriously serious serious- ly Jy ill with pneumonia a couple of weeks ago Is recovering according to reports received by his daughter Mrs I Wm Win Stephens Mr Dir expects to be able to corre i me In a week eek I I or of ten en days daD I Miss MIM Alice Palmer daughter of Pres Free Freean ar an l i Mrs Wm R. R Palmer who has hast t been teaching school In northern Utah the past winter returned home Sun- Sun day flay Mrs Mra Gerard of Chicago is in Cedar City visiting at the home of William William I j I Bess The occasion of her visit being the marriage of her son Ion William to toUlu to Miss Ulu Fa Fay Bess I Miss Misa Jennie Ree Reeves s. s an employee of of the the Dixie Power Company Is spending a fe fey few days daya visiting in Salt Lake City this week seek I Miss Wilma Leigh entertained at aI a I Waffle Breakfast Saturday morning at Lunts Lunt's Cafe complimentary to her sister Roberta who is leaving Sunday for Salt Lake City Mr Ur and Mrs W. W H. H Leigh and daughter Mary Carol accompanied their daughter Roberta Robert to Salt Lake City Sunday Pres Wm R. R Palmer who spent last week in Salt Lake City In attendance at a 1 Rotary convention and attending attending attend attend- ing to business connected with the Cedar Mercantile Co returned ho home e Sunday George Mitchell and Willard Corry Corry Corry Cor- Cor ry who have been In Arizona for the past two to months on Insurance business returned home last week end reporting reporting report report- ing a very profitable trip I Robert Stephens and Wm Ste Stevenson Steven Steven- son went to Richfield Sunday morning morning morn mom ing to attend a convention of the Texico gas cas salesmen which convened there on on that day and Monday They i returned turned ho home ne Monday night The Indian Trading Post opened this week in the old quarters the Wood Building opposite the EScalante Escalante Escalante Escal- Escal ante Hotel on North Main Street Mr Petty the proprietor is in charge Op OJ a 1 a special count made Sunday night by an Interested citizen there were 18 cars perambulating around Cedar City with but one headlight burning These guys should be forced to equip their cars with two lights |