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Show -:- MAVFIKI.I) -: -:- NEWS NOTES -:- j Mayfield, June 8. Last Tuesday ! afternoon at 2 o'clock, after floral tributes had been placed upon the graves of the dead, an interesting meeting was held in 1 1 : - open square of the cemetery. The following program pro-gram was rendered by local church ! workers: Song by Choir .... Beautiful Zion Built Above Invocation W. F. Willardson Talk Bishop E. V. Bunderson Song by Choir ..Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Recitation Rozel Larson Solo Eva VYhftlock Cornet Solo Kenneth Whitlock Talk Hyrum Christensen Singing "America" Benediction . . .' H. C. Bogh Misses Lillian and Helen Christiansen, Chris-tiansen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs i J. N. Christiansen, left here Sunday for Salt Lake where they will take a special course at summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swallow and children, accompanied by the Misses j Orpha Christiansen and Ada Bunderson, Bunder-son, left here last Saturday for their ut' home in Nevadq. Misses Christiansen Christian-sen and Bundert;q.ii expect to remain there until autumn. Miss Dora Anderson is in Center-field Center-field slaying with her sister, Mrs A. R. Nielson, who has been in poor health for a number of weeks. Miss Anderson will remain there until her sisters health is improved. Miss Margretta Nielson, a bride-elect bride-elect of this week, was tendered a shower last Friday evening by her sister, Mrs. Mcril Whitlock. The entire evening was spent in games and merrymaking. Miss Nielson received re-ceived many beautiful and useful gifts. At a late hour the hostess served delicious refreshments to some twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. John Michealson are rejoicing over the arrival of a 12-pound 12-pound baby girl at their home Sunday Sun-day of last week. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Last Monday evening Mrs. Orson Christiansen entertained at a shower in honor of her niece, Miss Geneva Michaclson, another bride-elect of this week. The evening was spent in games and pastimes and the guest of honor was the recipient of many-beautiful many-beautiful and useful presents. About 11 o'clock delicious refreshments were served to those present. Miss Rhoda Dorius left last Saturday Satur-day for Joseph where she will remain, re-main, indefinitely. |