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Show Irrigation Project For Widstoe Valley W. F. Holt, one of California's empire em-pire builders and who is credited with making the Imperial Valley one of the greatest agricultural sections in the west, B. W. Robbins, assistant general freight and passenger agent for the Denver & Rio Grande Western West-ern railroad, and J. T. Jones, retired banker and capitalist, were in Gun-! nison yesterday for a brief stay. The gentlemen were enroute to Widstoe where they will spend several days mapping plans for building an immense im-mense irrigation dam, canals, laterals later-als and making arrangements to put under water several thousand acres of fertile lands. "We have a plan of putting the water on several thousand acres of . land at Widstoe," said Mr. Holt, "and our trip at this, time is for the purpose of having surveys made for the canals and laterals and locating permanently a dam site. The work ! will be started at once and it is our . intention to rush matters as quickly as possible." " j J. T. Jones, well known in Gunnison Gunni-son as the pioneer banker, having established the Gunnison Valley bank, will have charge of the work-in work-in superintending the building of the dam and canals. Mr. Jones will be absent at Widstoe for several months. While in Gunnison the party was the guest of Mayor and Fred H. Jones. |