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Show District Schools To Open September 8th New Law Governing Attendance to Be Rigidly EnforcedProspects Good For a Most Successful Term. At a recent meeting of the Board of Education it was decided that the schools of the district should open September 8. The date has been set ahead this year to provide for a beet vacation. Monday, September Sth will be registration day at the High school, and on this day every boy and girl between the ages of 14 and 18 who has completed the 7th grade, and who has not graduated from high school must register at the city hall in accordance with state law which reads: "Every parent, guardian, or other person having control of any minor between sixteen and eighteen years of age, or any minor under sixteen years of age who has completed the eighth grade, shall be required to send such minor to a regular public pub-lic or private school at least thirty weeks each year, unless such minor is legally excused to enter employment; employ-ment; and if such minor is so excused, ex-cused, the said parent, guardian or other person shall be required to send such minor to a part-time school or a continuation school at least 144 hours per year." The local board of education will hold the boys and girls of Center-field Center-field and Gunnison to strict account-tability account-tability under the above law. The high school is entering upon the most promising year in its history. his-tory. For the first time the school will have a home of its own. The I school board has purchased the property adjacent to the city hall. These buildings are being remodeled remod-eled and renovated for the opening of school. The old Domestic Science Sci-ence room is being prepared for the eighth grades of Centerfield and Gunnison. The shop has been enlarged en-larged by the removal of the partition parti-tion walls. The south building will be used for the Domestic Science and. Domestic Art department. The room on the lower floor will lie equipped with a new coal range, an electric range, hofand cold water, sink, wash bowl, and individual desks for students in Domestic Science. Sci-ence. Two of the rooms on the second sec-ond floor will be converted into a sewing room. A rest room and a lavatory will also be provided. Heretofore the board of education educa-tion has only been able to rent for one year ahead, and at any time the school might have been turned out of its home. Then too, under the previous ownership it was impossible impossi-ble to get needed improvements. It is not expected that these quarters quart-ers will become the permanent home of the school, but It will be possible to temporize in a manner that will be sanitary and In a measure meas-ure comfortable. The following teachers have been employed for the present school year: Conrad Fr'schknecht, Leo Bardsley, Roy Madsen, Edna Burn-ham, Burn-ham, Fred Fjeldsted and Dewey I Lund. |