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Show An AdTertlaiiiE Dol(c. Not long ago a hansom cab was driven at a vory rapiil p;ice through the Strand in London. The passers by saw to their horror that there wero two men inside engaged in an apparently deadly struggle. strug-gle. They raised au alarm, and some bolder than tho rest brought the horse to a standstill. Thereupou the two. whoa few moments before were engaged in a life or death conflict, leaned quietly forward for-ward and distributed amonir the crowd some handbills, inn ting them to got'' such and such a theater to witness a cer-t;iin cer-t;iin performance. New York Ledger. ! The late "Diamond -loe" Reynolds wa; ! a very plain man in hia dross, and with , all his wealth ho never owned a resi dence. He lived with his wife in plain ly furnished and unpretentious apart men t. He left an cute reported to be worth about fl.Oou.OOO, |