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Show I A VALUABLE (HARRY. i Snoniih Fhn! Ttlnrhli- to Smji1,v Uii-I Uii-I Territory for Qur.ilrcdH tif Vfurs. ! The marhlo quarry immediatoly north ot' lirigham City is crvating i oonsidi'rahlo interest liercan.ttii .Mr. Jowu was in tnwn this vc;'h .showing a heantirnl ;'.!:iilo nt' 1 ! i yiiionthly jtijlislu-d tonc. A Ihut quality is s.-ldom imjun-t'.'d. 'J'li-sujiply 'J'li-sujiply is litenilly iiicxhaii.-tii.'!.. then- are ninuntaiiis i-f it o:i-y us ucni-ss. liuiiy can he drif n t--j the urc:il h'diri.'S, v.'hicdi run du':i I eh. s; to the ci tu nt y mad. For years iloat frrnu this sli i: quarry lias been :athcred ini; teamed oil' and placed in ia::ny i a rni houses in the viciuily nm; thcro it is i'i aiiid today. 'J'hc jicoplu never before hlU'U' ile-i ile-i trinsio vninc of the r aiii. ntijnl-l ntijnl-l i hi.'d material they were phu in their houses. A f.iree el' men will be put to work on the quarry next we k, and the enterprise pushcl tn the front. There is enough marble there to supply the whole Territory i.-r hundreds of vcars. |