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Show Aft Acrvoiut'i Terrible Death. Lat night Professor Higgins and Miss De Voy were announced to mat a balloon bal-loon ascent from the Manchester race course and to descend by means of parachutes. para-chutes. Miss De Voy did doc make the ascent, but the professor went up, and I his assistant, a man named Lennox, also 1 amended, but in the car attached to the balloon. Professor Uigglns deeoended from a great height in Alexandra park, failing into the ornamental pond there, I but was unhurt The balloon then went over towards Burnage, and, suddenly collapsing, fell, Lennox being killed. The balloon is said to havo burst when approaching or passing over Fallow lie UL The paoo at which the balloon was descending de-scending was so terrific that the Kami, , instead of falling earthwards, actually streamed up Into the air as the balloon shot through it, and as it was flying up- ward it bud tho appearance of amoko is- suing from the balloon. A Mr. Linton, who saw the balloon pass over Fallowfield, b tales that at that time he saw the man Lennox out on tho netting which inclosed tho silk portion of Uio balloon, climbing up to the top of tho balloon. Evidently he had then discovered dis-covered that the gas was fast leaving the balloon at the top, and was making a desperate effort to remedy tho injury. When the" balloon had descended to a distance of boiuo four or five hundred yards from the ground the silk portion collapsed entirely, and tho balloon then presented the appearance of an elongated cigar. A few seconds later the balloon fell with a territlc thud in a field. Two 1 or three men at once rushed to the spot j and tried to get tho man from beneath I the cur. Apparently the car had fallen i Btraighlon the ground, and the whole of ho upper part of the balloon had ful I len on Lennox, completely covering hiin. ! It did not take tho willing helpers long to remove tho silk envelope, netting, j etc., from above Lennox, but when they j reached his body he gave not the slight-I slight-I est sign of life. One of his legs was : twisted and broken, and he was badly cut about the face and head, lie had apparently been instantaneously killed. I Pall Mull Gazelle. |