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Show TRQU3LE OH THE CAM. A. Foni' ut Mt-n n'i::t!i-lnK the Iltciik 31:tln hy Hit Land Slide. The gigantic hind slide, which recently re-cently occurred near Bear River gorge, is causing the canal company compa-ny considerable t rouble and expense. ex-pense. Some 200 feet of embankment embank-ment slid down into the river. A large force of men is now engaged repairing the canal that the full f live of the stream may .'main lie turned in. On account ol't'ie persistent per-sistent seepage, it is feared that the entire route, from the month of th: canal to where it leaves the river, about seven miles, mu-d eventually be either fluniod or cemcnLd. |