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Show THE CITY OF HOMES. A Few of Its Attractions And Natural Advantages. OUR VARIOUS BUSINESS lKSTlTlTIOJS. Water Works, Electric Lights, Flour Mills, Woolen Factory, A Fruit Paradise, Healthful Clime. Shoe shops. Drug stores. A creamery. Tailor shopB. Barber shops. Meat markets. Lumber yards. Livery stables. Harness shops. But one saloon. A woolen factor'. Several law firms. Blacksmith shops. A roller flour mill. A flourishing bank. Skillful physicians. A first-class bakery. A photograph gallery. A Chamber of Commerce. Hotels and boarding houses. The city lighted by electricity. A decidedly healthful climate. The deserved title of City of Homes. Good schools and commodious chuicbos. Broad, hard; mudless streets and sidewalks. A canning factory in course of coiisLructiun. An elegant Opera House; seating capacity, 600. A tannery and wool-pulling establishment. Many tributary settlements which act as feeders. The best fruit-raising climate and locality in the Territory. A well-equipped fire department of about thirty active members. Beautiful mountain scenery within with-in half an hour's drive of the city. Clear, pure and palatable drinking drink-ing water fresh from the mountain brooks. An unsurpassed system of water works established in 1892 at a cost of $25,000. Its being the county seat of Box Elder, a prosperous county of 8,000 inhabitants. An. active, intelligent and wideawake wide-awake class of citizens numbering nearly 3,000 people. Numerous elegant residences, handsome public buildings and private business houses. Great duck and geese slaughtering slaughter-ing grounds close at hand. Wild deer and bear in the adjacent mountains. Box Elder Creek, affording excellent ex-cellent and almost unlimited water power for all kinds of manufacturing manufactur-ing establishments. Numerous flourishing business houses, nuch as general merchandise, merchan-dise, hardware, produce, grocery and furiiiture stores. An enviable commercial situation in the business heart of the Territory, Terri-tory, with two great railroads, the Union Pacific and Central Pacific, tributary to the city The BuoLER,one of the acknowledged acknowl-edged best local newspapers in Utah Territory and which is the pioneer paper of Box Elder County. It is bright, progressive and a credit to Northern Utah. |