OCR Text |
Show si in li tl'n jiti. I I ' 1 1 S I " V, HI, older of ! I., 1 ii!'' diirrt.-d by tl.- Fourth indicia! indi-cia! dith ii-i r.mrr, .jf lln- 1'iit 1 1 1 or y i,l I'iilh, I f ,.,.. at pllhlic Ml!f, HI (!- frurit d.Mjr .,f Uu- rouiiiy i-i.url lioiix-in lioiix-in lin- ily 'if U'lwi, ruinily M UYU-r n iu 1 ti i 1 i l ii y ' jt L'tith on tho chn ty-lirni .lay t Aiin-t. A. I. isul, M 12 clu.-k ju. all tli-- i-iht, tiiU-, cluim and inttT-r-t ul ih- Ii.-j-r Lak.- A Kiver Water-mh Water-mh k.i A Iri iiiiimi Company, the Stri L Lake- Land Sl rriatitii Company, de-fi-n. luii!.'-, a in in 1 M. Jarvi.-, Ito-lai.d Ito-lai.d U. Coiiklin, defendants,, llu; .Si'W K upland Safe ivuail A 'i'ni-l r..niiaiiy, in ten en rn, in And tri tin t'ul.ow iiitf dr-.-i:nl-d rfeil estate ly-111 ly-111 and In-ill in the county oi liuxelder, iu the lei ritoiy of I'tali, and known am) d.-M-riU-d a follows, lo wit: Section .No. thirty-live Ctoj town-hip No, us trlve ( VI) north ; ection one (I), eleen fill, thirteen ( :',,, tifteen ( tw.'iity-lie ''";, t went y-rfeven (27), ill tow n?-hit eleven 'III, nortii tane foui (It we" l ul' Salt Luke met Minn, containing contain-ing four t hoiiHanil four hundred and eighty M,ISUj acre, more ur W.a. Also all and fiinnlar the water riglits and all rijht, title mid interest therein, ay ac-i ac-i j i i d hy I In appropriation made by John U. Itotliwt-ll under lie- law.i of the I'nilcd Staler and the territory of Utah, and piuvli.isi'il fium loin hy taid party of the tir.-it part.ofaml lot ho water ufl'.ear Itiver, where it pa-SHCf through the ran- yon liet ween Cache A' a I ley and Bear River Valley, known as the ".Nairowu,'' i n Iioxelder County, territory of Utah, and a iy and all euhcments acquired therein-, and hy the ennliiuial development develop-ment thereof. ALio the water rights and reservoir file and ul I the riyht, tille and interest the.ein, aH aopiired by the appropiia- tiuii thereof under the laws of the United Unit-ed Slate and the territory of Utah and Idaho, and purchased hy nid party of the lir.Ht part from John K, Bolhwell, in and lo Hear Lake, in Bear Lake enmity, Idaho, and Rich county, Utah, for a storage reservoir, and of the water of said lake or reservoir, to a depth of ten feet over it entire surface, and of the stream and springs Ihnvjng into said lake, including those of Hear River, and Big Creek, and of the channel of the outlet out-let of said lake and of Hear River, for conveying the water of said lake, and any and all easements acquired thereby, and by the continual development thereof. Also the franchises purchased from John R.JIothwell for furnishing and distributing dis-tributing water to Ogden City and its inhabitants, and to Coiinne city, Bux-elder Bux-elder county, Utah territory and all other franchise rights, and privileges now or hereafter to be acquired, of every kind, nam e and description. Also all the waler rights and all right, title and interest now owned or here-HUe'rio here-HUe'rio lie Acquired lo ihii wider of den river and AVeber river. Weber county, and Boxelder and Willard creeks in Boxelder county in the territory of Utah, and of and to the water of any other stream, spring, river or other tfuurcj ol water supply. Also all tjie water-works, canals, conducts, con-ducts, branches, reservoirs, reservoir sites, additions, and extensions, aqueduct.- and bridges pertaining thereto. including in-cluding the rights of way, canal beds, superstructure, whether now constructed construct-ed or acquired,. or hereafter to be constructed con-structed or acquired, and also alt houses, waterpipes, dams, bead-work, machinery, machin-ery, plant, equipment, shops or other structures or buildings now used or erected, or hereafter to become used or erected in connection with any of said water-works, canals, branches or any canals or branches hereafter to be constructed. con-structed. Also all supplies, stationery, furniture, fixtures, material for constructing, con-structing, maintaining, operating, repairing re-pairing or replacing or for the betterment better-ment or improvement of any of said water-works and canals, laterals or other extensions, or any part of their appurtenances. appur-tenances. Also all the right, powers, privileges, i mmuuities and franchises connected v.ith or relating to said water-works and canals, or laterals, or the construction, maintenance, operating, improvement or extension thereof, and all oiher property prop-erty now held or belonging to,or that may hereafter be acquired by this company including that of every kind and nature appurtenant to said water-works and canals or laterals, or any of them, whether now held by the parly of the lirst part, or hereafter to be acquired. (The recitals made in the above description de-scription are those as made iu the mortgage mort-gage given by thw Bear Lake A River Water-works A Irrigation company to the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust company. To be sold as the property of the "Bear Lake A River Water-works A Irrigation company et al., at the suit of the Jarvis-Conklin Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust company. Terms of sale, cash. Datod Ogden, Utah. August 4, A. V. 1S94. Nat. M. Brigham, U. S. Marshal. By E. W. E.uu, Deputy U. S. Marshal. Evans A Rogkks, 9-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff. |