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Show IN 1S0XELB COUNTY. Atlrnvltnun Tlinl Should Induce Muny Good Sultltti-J Here. Boxelder County lias: Railways valued at $2,250,000. Room for 100,000 more people. Real estate valued at $t, 500,000. Streams which afford good water power. A population of 8,000 industrious people. Great ledges of slate rock near Honeyville. Horses, sheep and mules valued at $700,000. The Bugt.kh, the Pioneer Paper of the county. Mountains of almost pure iron ore near Willard. Valuable silver and lead mines in the western part. Washakee. a village of civilized Indians uear Portage. Extensive salt fields on the 1 shores of the Great Salt Lake. Vast grazing lands where 100,-000 100,-000 to 200,000 sheep winter annually. annu-ally. 30,000 acres of land under cultivation, cul-tivation, 12,000 of which are irrigated. ir-rigated. Farmes which raise 50 bushels of grain and eight tons of alfalfa to the acre. ! Invaluable on'x and marble quarries on Promontory hill, near i the railroad. j Peaches, strawberries, raspberries, raspber-ries, grapes, etc. unexcelled in both size and flavor. Promising gold, silver and lead mines within twenty minutes' drive of the county seat. Sufficient rich farm lands lying west of Bear River City to sustain 1,000 move families. Land that produces 423 bushels of excellent potatoes to the acre, and lf4 tons of onions to the acre. The honor of surpassing all other counties in the matter of average yield of oats, producing 50 bushels to the acre. An easily traceable mica ledge of several miles in extent, as yet unclaimed un-claimed and untouched. Located in central Boxelder. A healthful climate; fish and game in abundance; delightful mountain retreats with cool water and beautiful scenery. Hot springs of wonderful medicinal medic-inal properties: the Utah Hot Springs near Willard and undeveloped undevel-oped warm Bprings near Dewey -ville, Corinne and Plymouth. Best hunting grounds in Utah, at the mouth of Bear River. Myriads Myr-iads of the feathery tribe, from the goose down to the snipe are found here during the hunting season. Natural gas fields on the western and northern outskirts of Brigham City. Brick and lime kilns have been successfully burnt with this gas as fuel. It has also been used for domestic purposes. The greatest canal in Utah, the Bear River Canal, which cost $2,-000,000 $2,-000,000 and brings 100,000 acres of rich land near Corinne under cultivation. cul-tivation. The canal is 70 miles in length, with 150 miles of laterals |