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Show TO THE TOUT. Various lulorralinf Itenia From Far and Nfnr- The Deseret News thinks pricea on Wheat and potatoes will ere long take an upward turn and advises the farmers to go slow in stilling. A special to the Deseret News says a very aad and fatal accident occurred at the residence of Stephen Steph-en Hansen of Pleasant Grove, on Thursday evening. While Mrs. Hansen was temporarily absent from the house, her little eighteen-months-old boy accidentally fell into a tub of water and was drowned drown-ed before any assistance came. When the mother arrived all efforts ef-forts uf resuscitation failed. To all appearances fruit of almost every kind will be plentiful and of standard quality in Tooele. Trees are well laden and no worms are noticeable as yet, which is probab- ly due to Bpraying. Apricots are now ripe enough for the housewife house-wife to put down fresh. Tooele Transcript. E. V. Debs made a trip from Chicago to his home in Terre Haute, Ind , a few days ago veiy comfortably in a Pullman palace car, notwithstanding his advice to sympathizers with laboring men to refrain from patronizing this home ''robber monopoly." Ogden Press. Hurrah! for Utah. She is to have a permanent mineral exhibit in the City of New York. That is right; keep Utah and .her rich products constantly before the public gaze. She and her products are the envy of every other state in the Union. Bingham Bulletin. |