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Show BEAR RIVER CITY. Want Hands to Thresh Child Ils Diphtheria at Squarelown. Editor Bugler: Threshing seems to be general at this place and hand:; are scarce. 11' there are any spare hands in your city they would have no trouble to get worn here at present. Lars F. Johnson, our worthy townsman, and F. E. Roche's foreman was in our city yesterday and was on his way to Brigham City, preparatory to starting his thresher. Mr. Johnson is one of the largest farmers in Boxelder County, or has the n ai.gemeut of one of the largest4-Warms in the county and 13 a practical man. We feel to sympathize with Martin Iversen and wife in their bereavement over the loss of their little child which will be buried today. It was only about six week.s old, and was sick but a day or two. We are informed that the diphtheria diphthe-ria in and around Squaretmvn has not left there. Just a few days since. Mr. Nish buried another child which died of the dread disease, which has been around there ever since last winter. There have been se feral children carried away by the disease. Observek, Bear River City, Aug. 7th. |