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Show County BDiwdary Settlement The dispute between Sanpete and Juab counties seems to be at an end. For several years past some people in Juab county have beeu claiming two traots of land as belonging to that couuty which in reality is, and has been, in Sanpele couuty. The Juab folks have tried every possible method of securing the land in question. Being Be-ing unable to agree with the Sanpete officials in 1905 and 1906 the Juab officials of-ficials had Saupete cited before the state boaid of land commissioners; then agreed to apply tc the state eu-giLeer eu-giLeer as the law provides; finally-asked finally-asked for another arbiter ; then before the state senate of 1909; then before a special committee of that senate: and lastly before the legislature cf 1911. Juab lost out before the state land board, whieh held that it had no jurisdiction. ju-risdiction. When Junb wanted to take an engineer other than the state engineer the Sanpeters insisted that the method prescribed by law should be followed. Juab then declined to join in the request to the state engineer, engin-eer, but appeared and had her say when Sanpete insisted on the investigation investi-gation proceeding before that official- The decision and surveys practically practical-ly sustained the correctness of the Sanpete's contention. Juab representatives repres-entatives were thereupon dissatisfied and refused to pay any of the necessary neces-sary expenses incident to the settlement, settle-ment, and Sanpete paid the bill. Our friends from the west then had their senator introduce two bills ia the senate of 190.9, proposing changes in the line between the two couutiss which would have taken about forty thousaud acres of Sanpete territory into Juab county. The Sanpete officials of-ficials opposed these measures and they were finally withdrawn and a special committee of the senate appointed ap-pointed to investigate and report to the next senate, This committee met on the ground. In May, 1910, and beard the representatives of thu two counties tell all about Salt Creek canyon, where the Sanpete first rises upon the divide, Water hollow, the divide, the summit of the range between the Juab and Sanpete valleys, the Upper Bluff rocks at the south end of Cedar Hldse, the Seveir bridge, etc., etc. On the ground were representatives from both coutios. Nis-'ht sessions were held as Nephi. at which Messrs. l'oore and JlcCune spoke for Juab, while the spokesmen for Sanpete San-pete wore Messrs. J. C. Mellor and Herbert E, Smyth. The special committee held another meeting ;n Salt .Lake City In February Febru-ary 1911. when Juab Died maps, and, lu behalf of danpuce county, a briof Jby Ufxljurt K, Smyth was filed. Tho special f oramiUee made a ropoTtto the senate which practically sustained the duci-sion duci-sion of the state engineer, but recommended that a triangle alx ut twelve miles on the base line and perhaps two miles on the altitude line be given to Juab county of tho territory awarded to Sanpete by tho state engineer. Later the committee introduced a bill to effect ef-fect such a change. The proposed change was vigorously resisted by the Sanpete people and ably assisted by Senator Ivrson of Carbon Car-bon county, but the bill passed the senate 10 to 7. p The fight was now up to the house of representatives rep-resentatives and we aro pleased to say that theeflorfcsof Messrs. Sanderson and Kearns were successful, and the bill was killed. The decision of the state engineer, therefore, there-fore, stands. The said decision finds that Water Hollow is in Sanpete county and thu Monument on the If ue stands by the Wiiaon road where the road first rises out of the canyon can-yon suddenly to tho divide. At the oilier place of dispute the line now leaves the summit sum-mit of the mountains which llu west of Hun-pete Hun-pete valley at a pcint in se:tlou 31, towuship 16 south, range 3 e.ist, (this point in nealy west from Ephraim) and then runs In a straight line south-westerl3 about 12 miles to the Upper Up-per Hlulf rocks at the south end of Cedar ridge, which point is In the northeast quarter of section 31. township 16 youth, range J west. Nearly all of the land owned lu I hpse two regions is owned by residents of Sanpete county and the people of the county are l.u be congratulated on their being able to pay their taxes ia this county and, in the case of those living ou their lands, that they can school their children in Sanpete ccunty, where their interests are. Incidentally this paper compliments tho present and past ollloers of Hanpeto county for the stand taken and their persistence in, takingcare of the rights and interests of the couuty and thecltizens, And Always Better Received. A little encouragement is better than aDy amcunt of lecturing. i i i |