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Show D. S. McCURDY DEAD. The sad word came to relatives in this oity early Thursday morning that David S. McCurdy, who was well known here, having married Miss Laura Christenson, daughter of Theodore The-odore E, Cbristeuson, several years ago and has since then resided at Seattle,, Se-attle,, died at 3 :30 o'clock that morning morn-ing from injuries sustained Wednesday Wednes-day evening in a fall down a flight of stairs ia the Cullen hotel. Salt Lake. It has been learned since, that the direct di-rect cause of his death was a fracture of the skull, Arrangement is made to ship the rema.ns on Sunday for interment at Gunnison. Funeral service will take place at the Christenson hotel, former home of the surviving widow, immediately imme-diately after the arrival of the hearse from the depot. Bishop Joseph Chrietenson has been requested to take charge and the public is invited . |