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Show Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park SetsFY2000 Budget Goals BRYCE CANYON NATIONAL NATION-AL PARK: Bryce Canyon National Park Superintendent Fred J. Fag-ergren Fag-ergren announced today the park's annual performance plan and documents, docu-ments, providing details about the appropriated budget and fee revenues for FY 2000, are available for public pub-lic review as required by the "National Parks Omnibus Management Manage-ment Act of 1998." Highlights of the park's budget, which funds specific goals in the annual performance plan, include: $705,000 for resource preservation pres-ervation and management: Continuation Contin-uation of our exotic species program pro-gram will identify any new exotic species entering the park and plan for eradication methods. Monitoring of Utah prairie dogs and restoration work of historic structures will continue. Approximately $20,000 in estimated fee revenues retained by the park will contribute to reconstruction re-construction of boundary fences to assist in protecting endangered plant and animal species. $938,000 to address visitor services activities including interpretative inter-pretative evening campfire programs, pro-grams, ranger-guided hikes, park orientation programs and parks in the classroom. The park also maintains a high standard of visitor safety and resource protection through its resource protection and search and rescue staff. The high quality standards of our concession operations are managed under this program. $768,000 for facility operations opera-tions and maintenance: Bryce Canyon Can-yon National Park maintains over 50 buildings, 35 miles of road-way and 65 miles of trails. The bulk of these funds are used for general upkeep of park infrastructure. The park service will also implement a two-year road reconstruction project totaling approximately $10.4 million mil-lion Also during year 2000, the park service will rehabilitate sewage lagoons and lines, restore the water distribution system, restore historic cabins, repair trails and retaining walls, and chip seal overlook roads. These projects will total approximately approxi-mately $1.64 million $137,000 for park administration: adminis-tration: Management costs for operation of Bryce Canyon National - Park. A copy of Bryce Canyon National Park's complete annual performance plan, prepared in accordance with the "Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)," is available by writing to Bryce Canyon National Park, P.O. Box 170001, Bryce Canyon, UT 84717 or via e-mail at brcaadministrationnps.gov. The goals described in the park's annual performance plan are derived from the 1997 National Park Service Ser-vice Strategic Plan, which establishes estab-lishes a performance management process for the Service and incor- 1 porates the requirements of GPRA. The Strategic Plan is available on the National Park Service home page at www.nps.gov |