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Show VICTIM OF GERMAN "KULTUR" H Irvln 8. Cobb Writes of Work of Deasl of Berlin, as He Saw It In London Hospital. Tn a London hospital I snw n little lirl who had ben most terribly mntmed In on olr raid. I am not going to dwell on the state- of this child. When I think of her I have not tho words to express the feelings that I have. But one of her hands wns gone nt tho wrist nnd the other hand was badly shattered; so sho was Just n wan llttlo brutally abbreviated frog-mrnt frog-mrnt of humanity, a living fraction, most grievously afflicted. iler Mounds had ceased to pain her, tho head nurso told mo beforo we en-tcrcd, en-tcrcd, and for tho rest of tho tlmo sho IBV was n good patient, ono of tho best in the Sho wns lying, when I saw her, with her head propped upon n pillow that HBV was no whiter thnn her face wns, nnd HBV thero was a pitiful wraith of a smllo on her poor llttlo pinched common- HftV placo face, nnd to her hrcost, with tho bnndaged stump of ono arm and with HBV her remaining hand thnt was swathed In n clump of wrapping, sho cuddled up n painted chtnn doll which some- body hnd brought to hor, and she was Hl pinging to It. Tho sight, I tako It, would hnvo been very gracious In the eyss of his ltnpo-rial ltnpo-rial majesty of I'rusola except, of course, that tho llttlo clrl still lived; that naturally would bo a drawback to his complete enjoyment of the spec- BH tncle. Irvln S. Cobb In tho Saturday Evening Pqst. |