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Show PRESIDENT'S CRITIC A CADDY ElevenYear-Old Boy Says Chief Executive Ex-ecutive Has Three-Quarters Swing Plays Fairly. "Tho president Is n fnlr golfer. He's got n throc-quurters swing. He'd play better If his swing was n little fuller. Ho should not como back so fast on tho back swing." So suys eleven-yenr-old Joo Dlneen, who wus President Wilson's enddy during n recent game with Doctor Grayson ut Hamilton. Mass. Perhaps the only critic nf America's chief exccutlvo who dares to openly voice his opinion, Joo Dlneen, Joe Dlneen. has cnddled for hundreds of prominent golfers at tho Myopia Hunt club nnd thoroughly understands his game. Summing Sum-ming up Joo states that the president plays n "pretty fnlr game" und Airs, Vilsoa docs well for n woman. |