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Show MINES AND MINING H Tononnh mines nm now producing H each neck alwut 0500 tons of ore, vnl- H uctl at $100,000. Q Phelps Doilgo corporation smelters produced In August 17,101,201 pounds j of copper, nKnlnHt"18,7l,071 pounds 1 In H Mnuy mines' It. tlio .Toplln, Mo., dls-trlct dls-trlct lmvo been forced to close because H of thu low prices offered for the oru H liy(HiMcltliiK companies. H From Tiiiuplro, Mexico, comes' word H thtitjimh tlinn n,0(N),000 linrrels of H petroleum wore whipped from the ports H of Titmplco anil Tiixpum ilurlntf All- H Shipment of ore rrom the mines of H Tlntlc Inst week tr.taled WO. eurloiuls, H These lire estlnmh-Jl nt nit nBsrojfiito H of TfiOO tons mid valued nt $'.'00,000. H TlilK Is comimred with n totnl the pro H vlous week of 1M cars mid lti,! tho H week hefore thnl. H Ooiil mine workers nnd operntors H ineelliiK ut Unlontown, I'll., were told H by I'. 11. -Noycrt, director of eoiiHorvn- H (Ion of thu fuel mlnrinlstriitloii, that H (lie more cotil'tliey mined between now H mill Christmas, tlio fewer ciisunllles H would ho reported next sprliiK to tlio H Iwrnies of American soldiers. H The Kureku llullloii shnft Is down H 825 feet. A crosscut was started north- H oust to cut ii largo porlh nnd south H vein opened on tlio surface liy n tun- B ncl. At 1J(8 feet the vein was struck B mid Is 12 feet wide, nnd contains 23 per cent trim, some gold, silver, lend, - ' .imiiiKiineso mid cnlclte, they .report. H Intenslvo drilling 'now In prog- rehs nt'Hvtrt'.'oVfl Vr.-. on B (Ins compaiiy, Just west of Kitrmlngtoh, H Utah, has developed results during tlio H pnst week which wcro somewhat of ii H surprint to thu company's mtiungcmcnt, H In Hint n great gas pre.Hiire has licen H found nt n.nmrit shallow depth tlinn H was tlrst anticipated. H Mnugnnoso Is u metal resemhllng H Iron, says a United States survey bill- B letlu. It Is usitl principally In the Vfl miiniifacturo of steel, to which It Is HBVJ added In thu form of alloys with Iron, HBVJ such us fcrromangiinesu and splegcl- Vfl I'iseu. It Is used ulso In ghiMunnklng, In many chemlcul Industries and In tho niuiiufneiuro of electric batteries. I Thu Apex Standard Mining company, com-pany, with extensive holdings In tho Tlntlc district, Joining the famous Tlntlc Tln-tlc Standard mtue, reports the shl-ineut shl-ineut of ii new standard comprosor of sufficient capacity to curry down the main working shaft to ti depth of not less than 1200 feet should this lie necessary before encountering tho ore. The new stack of tho Washoe smelting smelt-ing works of the Aunconda Copper , vi Mining company, ut Anaconda, Mont., tjf rapidly Is rising skyward toward Its' ' objective of CSS feut high. This stack will bo the largest In tho world, und because of Its elevation It will havo a, draught pull innro than -100 feet greater than that of any other chimney. chim-ney. Announcement was made lnM week ut tho offices of tho Money Creek Mining Min-ing company of the shipment of an-other an-other MMou car, the eighth or ninth this season, of n hlgh-gradu copper-silver product from the mine In Muncy I t'reek. district, Nevada. It was stated that the values were n little belter , than 20 per cent copper, with 20 ounces of silver per toil. According to correspondence from Ilufle, the remarkable run of high-grade high-grade ore nt the Colorado mine of tho Iinvls-Dnly Copper company continues, the copper content easily outstripping that froin tiny other inlno In Itutte. With few exceptions for the pnst two w.oeks the output has iiveragt'd dally two carloads' of first-class oro nnd two cars of high grade. That the I'opo Slienon Mining company, com-pany, with largo holdings In the region Just out of Salmon City, Idaho, Is getting get-ting on Ith feet In u very suhstnntlnl way Is Indicated by two concreto evidencesthe evi-dencesthe shipment of hlgh-gradu oro from tho property anil tho progress BV that !h being Hindu In securing ti plant j to ini t tho oru that Is not of a grado to warrant shipping nt n good mnrgin '-At it meeting of representative zinc producers of Missouri, Kansas and Ok-lahomu, Ok-lahomu, nt .Toplln, Mo., It was agreed to petition tho federal trade comnils-slon comnils-slon for an Investigation of tho zinc smelting companies of tho country. Mine opern'tors claim that with spelter selling ut $0.10 to $0.r.O a hundred pounds zinc concentrates should bring more than 352.50 n ton. This was tho price .paid last week. According to u writer In the Wall Street Journal, discovery of oil In north central Texas has brought changes In tho town of Hanger, tho metropolis of fl the new. Hunger Held. Six months ago tho population wns approximately 1000, und has since grown to moro than 0000. This Influx taxed tho town's facilities, the supply of drinking wnter being much too small for tho demand. Ono Ingenious citizen gave up oil prospect- fl Ing und Is now doing a laud nlTIco business supplying drinking water from u spring outsldo the town, at 50 cents a It Is. ntmounced In tho cast thnt.nn iirrangemcnt h .- been Hindu whereliy Independent oil refining companies In tho inldcontlnent Hold nro to ho nl- lotted nil additional 20,000 barrels of crude oil n day, according to advices from Kiiusas City. Great ISend Is about to ship $10 ore, and tho Old Oriiudmn property Is do-v do-v Ing deep work, according to thu Gold- Held Tribune, which says: Tho Or eat Iiend Is now ready to resume shipping nnd wagons will start hnuling from the mine ns soon as Uiey can bo so- HBV . |