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Show GOOD WORK FOR ALL SPORTS How Soldiers and Sailors Are Trained Is Portrayed In Exhibit Models of Cantonmentu. now athletics nr- training our soldiers sol-diers and sailors to bo better Pghteis and Incidentally providing them with clean nnd wholesomo recreation nt the sumo tlnju has been portrayed in thu exhibit of tho war and navy departments' depart-ments' commissions on training camp activities which Is touring'tlio country as u part of thu allied wnr exposition. A feature or tho exhibit 6f tho training' train-ing' enmp commissions is n model of a modern cantonment Insldo tho cantonment can-tonment on the athletic Held soldiers In miniature uro to be seen engaging j In boxing nnd wrestling, nnd playing baseball, football, soccer mid other camp sports. The boxing drill, which shows n class of a thousand soldiers simultaneously simul-taneously learning thok rudiments of tho flstlc nrt, Is depicted In n scries of carefully colored pictures, whllo motion mo-tion pictures demonstrate how this sport Is making our men better bayonet bayo-net fighters. |