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Show BAD DREAMS Caused by Coffee. "I havo been a coffee drinker, moro of less, ever slnco I can remember, until un-til a few months ago I became moro nnd moro nervous nnd Irritable, and finally I could not sleep at night for I was horribly disturbed by dreams of all .sorts and a species of distressing distress-ing nlgliYraaro. "Finally, after hearing tho experience experi-ence of numbers of friends who hnd quit coffee and wero drinking Postum, and lonrnlng of tho great bonoflts they had derived, I concluded coffee must bo tho cause of my trouble, so I got some Postum and had It made strictly according to directions. "I was astonished at tho flavour and taste, irentlrely took the place of coffee, cof-fee, and to my very great satisfaction, I began to sleop peacefully and Bweet-ly. Bweet-ly. My nerves Improved, and I wish I could wean every man, woman and ' 2hlld from tho unwholesome drug ordinary or-dinary coffee. "Peoplo really do not nppreclato or roallzo what a powerful drug It Id and what terrible effect it has on tho human hu-man system. If they did, hardly a pound of it would bo sold. I would never think of going back to cpffoe again. I would almost as soon think of putting my hand In a fire after I had onco been burned. "A young lady friend of ours had stomach trouble for a long time, and could not get well as long ns sho used co-ffoo. She finally quit coffoo and bo-gnn bo-gnn tho uso of Postum nnd Is now perfectly per-fectly woll. Youra for health." Read "Tho Road to WellyiHG," In pTfgs; "TTTSFes"a TtenBonr Kvcr rcml the above letter f A new one iippenrM from time tu time. They lire wuulnr, true, uud full of human Intercut. What is Castoria. f H rASTOKtA. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorio, B?op9 and ' Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor 'other Narcotio suhstanoe. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Peverishness. It oure3 Diarrhoea and Wind Oolio. It roliovos Teething Troubles, cures Oonstipation and Platulenoy. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomaoh j and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The children's PanaoeaTho 'H Mother's Priend. The Kind Tou Have Always Bought, and whioh has been in use for ovor 30 years, has borne the signature of GhasE, Pletohor, and has been made under Ms "personal supervision since its infanoy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. ! 'ill Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-a3-good" are but Experiments that triflo, with ; 'k iH "and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. ' IH 4Bi??i Letters from Prominent Physicians IBl'l ' " 1 addressed to Cfoas. H. Fletcher.1 j W$VA ' ,4 mi i ii i biii . Dr. F. Gerald Blattncr, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays: "Your Castoria la gooJ '. J Cft'Jl v XyJlj lor children and I froquontly prcscrlbo it, always obtaining tho desired) j if go&l fMalMgajgjig Dr- Gustavo X Elscngraobor, of SC. Paul, Minn., says:' "I Iiavo used BaS'II! lMii-il rail yoUr Castoria repeatedly In. my practico with good results, and can rccom H EPrW yftuafffill in SJI moncl 11 a3 nn oxcellont, mild and harmless remedy for chlldron." '' H lijfSpj ylgjg JUm , Dr. E. J. Donnlo, of Ct. Louis, Mo., nays: "I havo usotl and prescribed ' J K&Saffi : 1 1 rS51 yur Castoria la my canltarlurn nnd outaldo practico for n numbor of ycari 1 H lrMw ALCOUOL 3 PER cunt, j DXii find It to bo an. excellent remedy for chlldron." AN! Qe (able Preparation IbrAs-' Dr. 0. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., eayB: "I havo used your Caa , B&5 8i s'm"a,,nS'itcF00((an(IRetfula- torla In tho caso of m7 own baby and find it pleasant to tako, and hava " . ' M, l'"511'eSlomacllSOMDw,clsor obtained cxcollent results from its uso." Sife,, III i TOi u ffeVi iffT? Dr J E- slmPson' ct Chicago, 111., says: "I havo used your Castoria Id.' ' s"v"m!L!aiial cases of colic in children and havo found it tho beat modlclno of its kind 'H 5jSfej.W " on tho market" H bSSK ; JProrao(CSDtgCslionkerful- Dr. It. E. Enklldson, of Omaha,.Noli., says: "I find your Castoria to bo a mdml ncssandResLConlalnsncJUw otandard family remedy. It la, tho boat thine for infanta and chlldron I 8r I1" 2 Piwii JMorpllitlc norMiucraL ovor imovm, and I recommend it," KU'Jjjl 1 1 NOT NARCOTIC. i ur. l. II. Robinson, of Insaa City, Mo , nayn: "Your Castoria cortalnly, 'Iw II 1 n- yin civrrrrmrrnra has merit. Is not Ita aso, its continued uso by mothers through all thesa . UflSllffll 'tIfy:UMmm years, and tho many attempts to Imltato it, sufficient recommendation! . t pa l ju&u What can a physician add? Lcavo It to tho mothers." , rffiSiji' jb-sfd' i Dr. Edwin R Pardco, of Now York City, says: "For sovcral ycara I havo. . H wfl 'W'i! jhntmi- recommended your Castoria and chall always contlnuo to do bo, aa it baa H fM Jtfs2' invariably produced beneficial results." W&W- Sta- 1 Dn N B Slzcr' of Brool:1yn' N- Y, Bay3: "I object to what aro called Sffil'fi'l'i IYatm , patent medicines, -whoro maker nlono knows what ingrodicnta aro put In. !, 'rEShi! i ApcrTcct Remedy for Corolla- them, but I know, tho formula of your Castoria and ndviso its uso." t 1 'SSSSSSSS GEWUDME CASTORIA ALWAYS S Tie M You Have Always BougM II Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bn Use Fcr Over 30 Years. , TMC CKNTAUR COMPANY. TT MUBBAV OTRCKT. I4CW VOftH OtTV. v H . When a spinster marries a man who Is already bald she doesn't get all that sho is ontltlcd to. Mm. Wlnalow'H Hootlilnfj Syrnp. For children toothlnit, aofteo the gum, rcdueei In- I flammaUon,aUa)eialn(curesflndcollu. 23c a bottle. Time will tell unless tho gossips beat It under the wire. SICK HDACHE CARTERS lhoso Lm, Pl,,s- wji w icai w They nlBO relIevo Dls. IWBlTTI.E treaafroniDyBpciisIii.In- S g Qv illRcotlouamlToolleurty 3 1 V Bl R Kntliifr. A perfect rem- Hi Dl l I C Lily for DliztiicKM. Nnn- 831 r I LLP, Ben DrowsincBH, Dad Kt KM TastelntlicMuutb,Uoat- HWjHHLfjJ ed Tongue, Pnlu in tua I Ihi.i.., TOItPID LI VEK. They rcgulato tho liowcla. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. InADTCD'cl Genuine Must Bear 1tti- Facsimile Signaturs Mmm 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Certain Cure for sore,Weak a Inflamed Eyes. MITCHELL'S SALVE MAKES THE USE OF DRUGS UNNECESSARYl Price, 25 Znhs.DruggfsTs. , t Is Ymi Health VM 1? That's -what it costs to pet a week's treatment of CASCARETS. They do more for you than any medicine on Earth. Sickness generally shows and starts first in the Bowels and Wver; CASCARETS cure these ills. It's so easy to try why not start to-niht to-niht and have help in the morning? CASCARUTS loo a box for a week's 005 treatment, nil tlniRirlsts. Iliggest neller in the world. Million boxes a mouth, - i. Shave Yourself NO STROPPING NO HONING PiiV-l PARKER'S m&fiW HAIR BALSAM, rtSfill "fi lYomotei laiurlint Rtowth. 5 V?-"" " Hover Polls to Hoitoro Ory WivSl-- "fvv, lilr t" lt Youthful Color. v6fTXi!2St Cure icalp dl.sn.n It IiafrflUog. IQiVyr1 tOc.iindaUiUH DruggliU I ! HOWARD E. BURTON, A8cG,t.ND Hiwclmt'ii prlro: Gold, Silver, Iad, fit Gold, Blhcr, Kc; fluid, Wei Zlne or Copper, fl. Mulllnu , envelnccH and tull prlcp list sont on application. Control and umplro work solicited. I.ciulvlllo, I Col. ltofcrencu, Carbonatv Natlunal Hank. AdMVo aji'i,f,a5! Silver and Conner. 11X0. Oold and Hllver rollued ! nnd hnuirlit. Write for f rco liialllnK eatkn. t)(M)i:N ASSAY CO.. ISM tVntl I'Um, Uwr. lot "fSilWil Thompson's yo Vater W. N. U Salt Lake City, No. 34-1 90a TOILET ANTISEPTIC . NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THP" Tr7l?TU P8"1'"0 ce!i any dentifrlcd I He. I tab I rl in cleaniing, whitening and pJH Removing lattnt from the testh, betides deslioym ppi all cermi of decay and diieasa which ordinary . lpH tooth preparation! cannot do. ppi TIJC RfflmiTU Paxline uied oi a moutfc I tlC. MUU I H wa.h disinfects the rooulL ind throat, purifies the breath, and kills the aenrai BPJ which collect in the rooulh, earning sore throat, JJJ bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much sicknea. .Jpj THF E?YFQ Wnen inllamed, tired, achsi IllC. blCid Bnd burn, may be instantly lpH telieved and strengthened by Paxtine, flPJ A A T ti li 13 U Paxtineswill dcitroy the nenafl OA I Atintl that cause catarrh, heal the i- Oammation and stop the diicharge. It is a son.' PPJ remedy for uterine catarrh. ' JJJ Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful C5 sermicide,disinfetant and deodorizer. PPJ ' Used in bathing it destroys odors and wvi?3n 1 kkl leaves the body antisepticnlly clean. - vffijjrjl I FOft SALE AT DRUQ STORES, OOc, ii on postpaid dv mail. vjfl LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO., BOSTON. MASS. DAISY FLY KILLER fl?SA,8ra"6J!3 H ii I n J iini.iiJ.ini nil illf. .Nml, H MHBPpf' VlTKl TiRRVVS t3ln.oriiaiiipulAl H iwtvAfU2?3tt-4fl i.i.ii..ci. H rTm. .gWinTKVvJ. 'JaVl not until or tin H I.aBkfBCiS&2'vAlVvll ovtri will no (ho 11 H tiS3W7Tl35Sr VSJmIsI orlnJurranythlDK, H lj Vj fiTy ; l CVwi r.'w.'B 'I (luaraiitt'd etTeo H IRUBzSmXfSIHH oftHtprrtutldfo H KnLf IWcrfJOTRvdfrTfi'iTsirK liirulitHiiam. H v0sktKMMmkBiSlll0t 150 " "'Hi !. Uajaartri n i iffi 1," i, 4 liruiij,Ni.rK. H AGENTS WANTED ic,ir'tti! needed in every tinmo, CU-an, iiruiltaLtU'.lntcrcfcUnit, I M rnlculiro w rltu CUutupiuu Mlic C'u., Oakland, Utt H |