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Show I: UTAH STATE NEWS Tho poach day celebration at Brig-i Brig-i ham City will bo held this year on ' t September 16th. ' The- Willard Power company Is now furnishing the power to opcrato the Ogdcn Btreot railway Bystem. All reclamation work on tho Straw-i Straw-i berry proposlton Is practically stop-wed, stop-wed, awaiting tho appropriation. It Is announced that tho Moffat road i will bo completed nnd running trains I 1 from Donver to Salt Lake City within j two years. In tho gun club shoot In Salt Lake City Inst Thursday, tho Idaho marks-men marks-men carried off a largo majority or , tho honors. It Is believed that tho work on the Ogdcn High school building will be ; completed in tlmo for tho opening of school In Soptombor. . Tho four-monthsold bnbo of Mrs. W. 1'. Broughton of Salt Lake Isdcad, and ' the charge is mndc that Impure milk from a capital city dairy was tho j cause of tho lltllo one's death. ' Impuro milk from a dairy lias caused tho death of the two-ycar-old IBon of Frank Torgenson of Salt Luke I j City, making tho third death from tho ! samo causo within a week. So loig ns tho heavy freight tralllc I ' on tho Salt Lako division or tho ) f Southern Paclllc railroad continues thero will probably bo no more layoffs lay-offs in tho Ogdcn shops of tho road. Butchers and milk dealers of Ogdon ' . aro about to fool tho strong arm of tho law. Eight moat dealers and at least two milk dealers have been violating tho law, tho evidence being collected by a sanitary Inspector. , Mrs. Laura Minor, wife of Judgo An- rollus Minor, n pioneer nnd ono of j tho most popular and widely known I m women In Utah, died, at tho ago of 72 fl years, on August 10, at her homo In Salt Lako City. 1 1 K M. Whipple, for many years a , well known nowspapor man of Ogdon, 8 and nlso United States rovenuo gaugor I for a numbor of years, died In a hos- ft pltnl at 131 Paso, Texas, on August 11, J , ,. from tuberculosis. JJ , -Tohn C. Tinker, a business man of 1 Ogdon. Is lying at tho point of death , ns tho result of nn attempt to suicide, J Hrlng four bullets into his loft breast. i Financial troubles led to tho attempt & at self-destruction. & , Tliero Is a typhoid epidemic among tho sottlors on tho desert near Cisco, W supposedly caused by contaminated wator which at tills point Is shipped K Jn barrels. Four deaths have occur- v rod during tho past two weeks. IJoo Starkoy, a bartendor, was shot by Frank Conoidn, a follow cmployo, at Ulnglmm, as tho .result of a slight altercation, tho shooting being entire ly unjustifiable however. Starkoy la in tho hospital and Conoidn is in Jail. Tho barn nnd haystacks of William McDonald, who lives in tho north part 1 v of Ilobor, woro set on ilro nnd tho barn, Bovonty-flvo tons of liny, two : horses, threo sots or harness, ono buggy nnd all tho farm Implements, were destroyed. Tho loss will bo about $2,000. Thero was a falling off of 200 In tho bcIiooI population or Ogdcn, nccording to tho figures turned In by tho.consus enumerators, compared with . the school population of a year ago. Tho falling off Is accounted for by tho Influx In-flux of Greoks, and tho moving out of I tho district of Amoricnn residents. Tho Utah & Idaho Railroad com- I pnny, which recently Incorporated to I construct a lino In Box Elder county n nnd another In Cassia county, Idaho, K to connect tho Ogden-Lucln railway f Ul Central Paclllc and tho Mini- lo,ul & Soutliwestcrn railway, cover-Hf cover-Hf lnK n dlstnnco or 1C0 mllos, has filed i amended articles -of incorporation. 1 When Mrs. Jnmes Cook or Ogdcn HE missed her llttlo girl, 18 months old, i from tho house, alio wont out in search of tho llttlo ono, finding her lifeless body on tho Southom Pacific tracks, sho having been struck by a passing freight train -and horribly mutilated. Secretary Hallingcr has ordered j .withdrawn for temporary powor Blto j 240 acres along Ashley creek, in tho H' H,!lte ()f Utah, with tho view of report- ing to congress tho withdrawal in or-j or-j der tliat proper legislation may bo H enacted by congress to preserve power H sites to tho government nnd prevent 1 monopolies. Hf Huphnel Orango of Ogdon, nged 32, mB is dead as tho result of Injuries ro- j coived when ho collided with a streol. fJI car whllo riding a blcyclo. It was 1 found necessary to ani)utnto both of 1 Ills legs, and ho was unnblo to survive. H tho shock. At tho second prohibition convon-j convon-j tlon hold in Provo, an ordlnnnco wan drafted which will bo presented to the city councils of tho various cities or ( ,f tho county for adoption, providing that ' Y ,. it 'shall bo unlawful for any person j k t0 carry on ,,fluor traffic In any of Us , Vwi forms in any of Uio respncUyu cities mmrnl |