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Show ' THAW STJLL INSURE LONG FIGHT FOR FREEDOM OF 8TANFORD WHITE'S SLAYER HA8 BEEN IN VAIN. Judge Orders That Pittsburg Millionaire Million-aire be Returned to the Asylum, ns His Release Would be Dangerous Dan-gerous to Peace and 8afety. Whlto Plains, N. Y. Harry K. Thaw's latest attempt to gain his liberty lib-erty was defeatod on Thursday when Justice Isaao N. Mills dismissed the writ of haboas corpus and doclared tho release or tho petitioner would bo "dangerous to public peaco and saroty." An ordor sending Thaw back to Matteawan was signed Friday. There Is no crumb or comrort ror Thnw in tho soven-thousand-word opinion handed down by Justlco Mills. All the contentions or ills old adversary, adver-sary, District Attorney Jeromo, nre supported, and it is declared that Thaw Is still insane, still Buffering from persistent delusions and still as much a paranoiac as on tho day ho shot Stanford White. Thaw, waiting In tho Whlto Plains Jail, rocolvod tho nows with an outward out-ward calmness which appeared more torccd than real. The members of his family and his attorney seemed stunned by tho thoroughness thor-oughness of their defeat. Thaw declined to glvo out any statement, state-ment, contenting himself with tho assertion as-sertion that ho was not disheartened and would at once continue his tight for liberty. |