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Show TUG GOES DOWN IN OCEAN. Three Sailors and Doctor Lose Their Lives as a Result. Rockport. Mass. In staggorlng around Capo Ann before a westerly galo and loaded to her gunwales with anchors for tho battleship Missouri, the naval tug Nezlnscot, bound from Portsmouth for Boston, capsized off Halibut point, Capt Ann, early Wednesday, Wed-nesday, carrying down threo members of tho crow. Tho second officer, the captain's wife and her Tittlo boy.nnd four of tho crow, lnndod nt Lanesvlllo and reported report-ed that Captain Evans, the surgeon, tho engineer and sovornl seamen woro drirtlng out to son boforo tho galo on tho llfo raft. Tho surgeon was washed "off tho raft and drowned, but tho others woro rescued. |