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Show Glory Be, Kate May Wed Abruzzl. Now York. Tho royal blood or a line of Italian kings courses through tho veins or Senator Henry G. Davis of Wost Virginia, and consequently Miss Kathorlno Elklns, his grand-daughter, grand-daughter, whoso roported ongagoment to tho Duko of tho Abnizzl oxcitod two continents, Is or royal lineago, according ac-cording to a cable rrom London. Mrs. Albert Lovln Richardson of Baltimore, who has been In London for two years making researches In rorerence to tho origin of seventeenth century American colonists of tho up-por up-por clusses, has discovered that Senator Sen-ator Davis' forebears trace, tholr do-scont do-scont back to A. D. 814, in ,ho time, of Charlemagne, through many generations gener-ations of Italian kings. . . s - , - .T " |