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Show I DoGtor Brlgnam Says I MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE lydla Em Plnkham's H Vegetable Compound H Tho wonderful power of Lydia E. . y Plnkhatn' Vcgetablo Compound over the diseases of womankind in not be-1 be-1 causa it is tv stimulant, not becuuso it H Is a palllatlvo, but simply becauso it is tho most wonderful tonic nnd rccon- 1 structor over discovered i act directly upon tho goncrativo organs, vsitlvcly curing dlscaso and restoring h'ealtli and vigor. Marvelous cures aro reported from nil parts of tho country by women who havo been cured, trained nurses who havo witnessed cures and physicians who havo recognized tho vlrtuo of Lydia B. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Com- pound, nnd nro fair enough to give credit wlicro it is due. If physicians dared to bo frank nnd opcn,hundrcdsof them would acknowl- edge that they constantly prescribe Lydla E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Com- pound in sevcro cases of femalo ills, as they know by experience it can bo ro- lied upon to effect a cure. Tho follow-I follow-I lng letter proves it. Dr. B. C. Urighatn, of 4 Brigham V Fltchburg, Mass., writes: -"It gives mo groat pleasure to tny that I havo found LyiHa E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound very efllcacious, and often prc- tcrlboltln my practice for femalo dinicultics. "My oldest daughter found itvorybencfl. clalforafrmaletroiihlaRoinotlmoago.andmy youngest daughter Is now taking lt-fora fc- main weakness, and is surely gaining In health nd strength. ''IfrtvfyndvocatoltnsamostrellabloBr-v i ciflo in alldisenscs to which women aro sub- Ject, aud give it honest endorsement." Women who aro troubled with paln- ful or irregular periods, bloating (or flatulency), weakness of organs, dls- placemcnta.inflnmmnttonorulccratlon, can bo restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydla E. Plnkham's Vcgetablo Compound. If ndvico is needed write to Mrs. Pinkham, at B Lynn, Mass. She, is daughter-in-law of Lydla E. Pinkham nnd for twenty- flvo years lias been advising bIcIc women free of ehnrgo. No other living person has had tho benefit of a wider, experlenco in treating femalo Ills She has guided thousands to health. Every suffering woman should H ask for and follow her ndvico if alio wants to bo strong and well. ' I W. L. Douglas 3&'3J?SHOESK", W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line H IMZ?K1 lllllcHTAt a.oiooi H W.L. DOUGLAS MAKES A SELLS MORE MEM'SJfS.BU SHOES THAU AMY OTHER MAHUFAOTURER in the world. H t1fl nnd REWARD to anyone who cm I UUUU dltprovi this itattmtnt. If I could take you into my three large factories at Brockton, Mail., and show you the Infinite I care with which every palrol shota Is made, you would realize why W. L, Douglas $3.50 shoes coat more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. V. i- Doug Slronm Mmdm Shorn for Man, SS.BO. S2.00. Boy' School A DroomShoOB,$2.BO,$2,$t.7li,$t.aO CAUTIQN.-ln.iit iiwin hating W.UItoug. 1 Jaa iliuea. Take no aubatltute. None genuine 1 without ti a name nuit rlce Humped on bottom. fait Color Eutleti uted I they mill not mar brastu. Write for Illustrated Catalog. W, I DOUGI.AH. llrockton, Miu. I That Delightful Aid to Health I l&xttne I I Toilet Antiseptic I Whitens the teeth purifies M mouth and breath cures nasal I catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, H and by direct application cures all inllamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by H I feminine ills. H I Paxtlnc possesses extraordinary I cleansing, healing and gcrmi- cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents H I lAROE TRIAL PACKAGE FBEB H The K. Paxton Co.. Boston, Mass I - POULTRY PAYS U Gel a setting ol our prize winners and Improve H your slock. Blick Monarcas, While Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, While Wyandoltes, Rhode H Island Reds $1.50 'or selling. I V06ELER SEED CO. . Salt Lake City I PATENTS for PROFIT H Bun fully protect an Invention. Dookitt sad Veik Calendar FHKK. Ills-beat references. WM Communications conndenttal. Katsbllabed lsi. Wk Kuen, Yaawiek ft Lawrasca, Waahtaf taa, 0, o. I PENSIONS s?tx I WrtlslUtaaa Biasera. MI It. W aaklagUa, D. 0. Garfield Tea is Nature's remedy for live and kidney diseases. DON'T FOItOET A largo 2 oi. package Red Cross Hall Illue.only I cents. The Kuss Company, South liend, Ina. . Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup, for children teething, lotteaa Iheguraa, redacea hv HemmaUoo, allnjl ptn. curea wind colic. 23c a botus. HOLD UP! (yr JU POMMEL Ylgfh braudSLICKEH ltaLfflfc? IIK ALL ' a V IViVWTEflPROOF J&&T CLOTHING. Vjjf X ljmadf of Ihf best -'' Wl Nl nlddhbldcioi7tliwf V ) towrMtreUndwUb' KtffiB-M y rrliaHr deokrs vrrjnhrt tgALt V ilT JTUKTOTHE ,I!TB7- SI CM or THE fish jjjJjjjgewamM Big Interest On Your Money All prollts paid In dividends. Others huve mado one hund-rd nor -ont in same business. Hure Income lor life and valuable levsey for rurally, Itral sstata deeded to Philadelphia trust rompany for protection or Investors, lleautlfully Illustrated booklet and paper free. Write at on re. I. r,. nnd II, Co.. I)otl A, Tit Urciel lluildlnir, I'lilladolphla, Ia. NO YOUR onOIRB TO TUB B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. PLOHAU DSBIONS AND OICORATIONa ohoioi cut FLowsna thos. Hoaoav. Mawaasw it taic oitt When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U Salt Lako-No. 18, IGOO. READ AND YOU WILL l.UARN That tho leading medical writers and teachers ol nil tho sovcral schools of prnctlco endorse and recommend, In tho struiiRest terms possible, each nnd every Ingredient entering Into tho composition ol Dr. Pierce's Golden Mcdlrn) Discovery for the euro of weak stomach, dyspetisln, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, nniiio or nature. It Is also a speclllc remedy for nil such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affections affec-tions and their resultants, ns bronchial, throat and hini dl?cn.in(oxcept consomp-tlon)aecoinmuled consomp-tlon)aecoinmuled with seven) coughs. It Is not so Rood for acuto colds nnd coughs, but for llngorlnir, or chronic cases (t Is especially efilcnclons In producing per-fectcures. per-fectcures. Itcontnlns lllnck Chtrrybark, Golden Seal root, Illoodroot, Stono root. Mandrakn root nnd Queen's root all of which nro highly trnlcd as remedies for all tho abovo mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers ns Prof. Hnrtholow, of Jefferson Med. College; Col-lege; Prof. Hnre, of the Univ. of Pa.; Prof. I-'Inloy Klllngwood, M. I)., of Dennett Den-nett Med. College, Chicago ; Prof. John King, M. D.. Into of Cincinnati i Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D.. Into of Cincinnati; Cincin-nati; Prof. Hdwln M. Hule. M. D., of Hahnemann .Med. College. Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent In their several schools of practice. Tho "Golden Medical Discovery" Is the only medicine put up for salo through druggists for llko purposes, that has aliy such prurssloruit endorsement worth moro than any immtx-r of ordinary testimonials. testi-monials. Open publicity of Its formula on the bottlo wrapper Is tho best posslblo guaranty of Its merits. A glance nt this published formula will show that"Ooldcn Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous poison-ous or hnrmful agents and no alcohol chemically pure, trlpln-rellned glycerlno being used Instead. Glycerlno Is entirely unobjectionable and besides Is a most useful Ingredient In tho euro of all stomach stom-ach as well as bronchial, throat and lung affections. There Is tho highest medical authority for Its uso In all such cases. Tho "Discovery "Is a concentrated glyceric glyc-eric extract of native, medicinal roots and Is snfa and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its Ingredients Ingre-dients mailed free on request. Address Dr. It. V. Plerco. Buffalo. N. Y. There It more Catarrh In this icctlon of the country ibta all other dlieuei put tmetlitr, and until the latt tew jesra was suppoted to tie Incurable. For a great sianr Tears doctors pronounced H a local dlteaie and prescribed local remedies, and tT constantly falling to cure with local tresttnent, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proTen Catarrh to be a cnnMltuilonal disuse, dis-use, mil therefore requires constitutional treslinenu Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney ft Co.,Tolcdo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional cure on the market. It la taken Internally In doses from to drops to a teaspoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous aurfacea of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to curs. Band for circulars anil testimonials. Addresat F. J. Cll KNK Y & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Xold by DrugiilBta, '5c. Take flail's Family Fills for constipation. $20.00 $10.00 Looks woll; epunde woll, but Is impossible. You get full value from us, but no "bargains." Salt Lake City. Vlsh Fairbanks, Morsel I &Pn Jack of All Trades UUi Gasoline Engines. A 1t Sucsrstlona na to What Our PH NiiiiiII Vrrtk-nl Knvlnr Will Do. H On tbr l'nrra and In (lie Dairy I ll Itun wood-snwlntr machines, cream H !Hcpnrntora, churns, fodder cutters, Rrlnders, corn shelters, slicop shear-Intr shear-Intr machines, emery wbeelH, pump water, nnd other kinds of work H where light power Is required. In (bp Mnrhlne Hhop anil lllark-smith lllark-smith Stiopi Will run blowers, forircs, lathed, grindstones, pipe cut- tern, horse clippers, etc. fH In the Curpcnirr Sliopi Wilt run mWW scroll and circular saw, lathe, emery pH wheel, gB In the Ilolcli Will run colling funs, electric IlKht plant. watihlnK machines. Ice cream freezers, etc. fH For Country llomrai Will furnish SH electric light, and also power for water supply. 1 In the I'rlntlntc Ufllcei Will run presses, electrotype machine, fold- Anil Cnn be Uiieil Fori Well drill- M Intr. running meat cutters, and a LLU hundred other things. Write for Catalog-lie No. 80 II. 218-220 8. West Temple SI., Salt Lake City 50 MORE CREAM FROM SAME COWS. Don't nccusu your cows of being tinprotltnblo. Glvo them a snuuio deal pH and they will pay you well. If you aro not using a centrifugal iH ere mn separator from SO per cent, to 50 per cent. of your cream is thrown awity with tho sklininlllc IH cows accused of notcarn- al lug their feed. In nddi- aaasssPJ tlon your own tlmo und Pl labor aro being wasted. ffsirBi Why not get n l)E Ifvyl LAVAL cream separator, stop theso WWt leaks, and double your profits. A DB ftrlm LAVAL inachino limy ho bought upon flu t such liberal terms thut it will moro than Wym eurn its cost while you uro paying for fgai'l it and htlll be good for 20 years moro tmWM of clear profit uto. As compared with 'M&ts other henurators the superiority of tho wkmK I)K LAVAL is Keen in tho fact tnutovcr vKili 700,000 DB LAVAL machines, ton times JT tho number of all othern combined, hitvo IA? been sold to duto. You may havo mnple "JftsV trial of n DK LAVAL freo of all cost. M'l Now is the tlmo to get a DB LAVAL f' while cows nro molting tho largest product, and savings count biggest. i'W'it Wrlto to-day for freo catuloguo and hvL full particulars. pKV The De Laval Separator Co. fe Randolph & Canal St. I 74 Cortlandt Street W'h Chicago I New York When You Plant IS Vogeler's Seeds M You plant tho best thai money can buy. 1 Send lor our big citato, ue; II Is free. Hj VOGELER SEED CO. 8ALTuta" city , "o?. Thompson's Eye Watir I 'imB |