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Show DESPERATE OREGON BANDIT i SHOOTS DOWN OFFICERS Escaped Prisoner Following In the Footsteps of Tracy and Is Fighting Fight-ing Desperately to Escape Justice. Woodburn, Ore. The slayer of Policeman Po-liceman Hnnlon of Oregon City laid low two of tho posso which is pursuing pursu-ing him, ono of his victims, Captain O. D. Henderson, having died slnco from the effects of his wound, nnd tho other, Sheriff J. S. Shaver of Clackamas Clacka-mas county, lies mortally Injured at n Salem hospital, whero both the men woro taken on a special train Immediately Imme-diately after tho shooting. This man, whom tho Portland detectives de-tectives declare to bo Identical with Frank Smith, who escaped from tho Portland Jail, where ho was confined on a chargo of having robbed tho post-' offlco at Troutdale, eluded his pursuers pursu-ers Saturday morning beforo daylight and escaped from tho nursery In which ho took refuge nfter shooting Henderson Hender-son nnd Shaver, taking rcfugo In tho woods which skirt Woodburn. Hero is whero ho is supposed to bo at present. , Theso samo woods are whero tho notorious penitentiary escapes, Tracy and Merrill, eluded their pursuers a year or two ago, and whenco they disappeared, dis-appeared, to reappear some days later on tho Washington shore of tho Columbia Co-lumbia river. In moro than this respect re-spect does this man, If ho bo Smith, rcsemblo Tracy. Llko tho latter, ho has mot all opposition with Immcdlnto shooting, nnd has been even moro deadly than Tracy, so far as precision goes, it being stntcd that ho has felled a man with each shot which ho has fired. |