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Show NORTHWEST NOTES es-i :xb A slight but distinct earthquake Bhock was felt at Medford, Ore, oh tho 23rd. The safe of tho Kettle Falls bank was opened by burglars and $1,100 In cash taken. Tho otitsldo combination wns worked by touch or car, nnd tho Insldo vault was opened with a chisel. Thoro Is no clue to tho robbers. Tho Union Pnclllc railroad company has begun laying a six-Inch watarj main along Second street of Laramie, Wyo to tho rolling mill, supplying that Institution from tho city water system. Tho wool season opened nt Lewis, ton, Mont., Inst week, when a Boston houso contracted for over 000,009 pounds of high grade wool at an ad-vanco ad-vanco of 2 cents per pound over tho prlco phlii the samo growers last sea-jon. An athletic meet, open to nmateurs from tho stato ot large, Is being arranged ar-ranged to occur at tho county fall grounds In Laramie, Wyo,, on .Tuna 8, under tho direction of tho Athlctlo asoclntlon of tho University of Wyom-lng. Wyom-lng. Dora Jennings has been acquitted at Grant's Pass, Ore., of tho murder ot her father, Newton M. Jennings, who Inst September was shot nnd killed In tho houso while his children slept. Her brother Jasper Is under conviction convic-tion for tho crime. E. C. Kinney, locating engineer ot tho Chlcngo, Milwaukee & St. Pant railway, says tho contract for building build-ing -1C0 miles In Montann from For-ay For-ay tho to Hnrlowtown, tho junction point with tho Montnna railroad, has been awarded to Reynolds Dro(S., tho work to bo completed In nbout a year. An earthquake shock, accompanied by a rumbling noiso, was felt at Grant's Pass, Ore, at 12 minutes paBt 1 o'clock on the 23rd. Nearly every ono In town was awakened. Furnl-turo Furnl-turo moved In houses and several windows win-dows cracked, but there was no serious seri-ous damage. The shock lasted 15 or 20 secondB. N. T. Palmer of Hath, Mo., appeared before the stato land board at Salem, Ore, last week to protest against tho action of tho board In refusing to Issue deeds to 20,000 acres of public lands to which ho holds fraudulent certificates, certifi-cates, known as tho "Kolllher" claims. Ho was advised to lay his caso beforo tho courts or legislature. Hy tho decision of a Jury In the United States court at Butte, damages to tho amount of $72,541.55 wero awarded to tho Butto & Boston Consolidated Con-solidated Mining company ngalnsi Iho Gcymnn Mining company, Charles, John nnd Joslo Geyman. Tho suit was brought to recover damages for alleged al-leged surfaco and underground trespass. tres-pass. At a meeting of tho shlnglo manufacturers manu-facturers of Washington, nt which CO per ' cent of tho output of tho stato was directly represented, It. wns tlecld-cd tlecld-cd to ralso and maintain by "assessment "assess-ment a permanent defense fund, to bo used In aid of tho Ballard manufacturers manu-facturers and any olhcrn whoso plants might In futuro bo tied up by labor troubles. n. S. Van Tassel of Laramlo county, Wyoming, onb of tho Inrgest land Dwnors and most prominent stockmen of that county, has purchased tho Joshua W. Latta ranch of l.'48'O" acres U Sherman, Wyoming, paying $8,300 for tho lnnd. Mr. Lntta at tho samo tlmo 6old 384 head of cattlo and twenty-soven head of horses for $10,-720. $10,-720. making $19,020 for tho place. George Ball, sheriff, and Percy M. Elny, treasurer of Washington county, coun-ty, Colorado, havo been plnced under arrest charged with frauds committed whllo tho two men wero olllclals of tho United Stales land olllco at Akron. Thoy gavo bond In tho sum of $1,000. A telegram from Snn Francisco announces an-nounces that Clnronco Wilson, 23 years pld, former resident of Hclenn, son of E. T. Wilson. United States bnnk examiner for tho stato of Washington; Wash-ington; succumbed to heart failure as a result of tho eartl(oualto oxcltcmejnt. At Lowlston, -MOht.( "n verdict of Involuntary In-voluntary manslaughter was returned in tho enso of tlio stato against Hnrrj Kock. Kock Is n piomlnont stockmnn and ho was alleged to havo murdered Joo Vanders, a well-known gambler Vanders was killed whllo Kock war shooting promiscuously In a saloon. Whllo In tho act of stealing oro ' mnn, who refuses to give his namo, wari shot and probably mortnllj wounded by tho owners of tho Joker claim at Manhattan. Npyadn. This Is tho culmination of efforts that havn been In progress for n week to capturo somo of tho high grado oro thieves... Policeman Hanlon was shot and killed nt Oregon City. Oro., by a. burglar bur-glar whom ho had Just arrested, A hat which the thug dropped leads tho detectives to bollovo ho la Frank Smith, who escaped, from tho 'Portland 'Port-land Jail by climbing liand-oyer-harid: somo dtstanco.ilong.a tole"pho'n& wire.- Whllo "playing house" In n straw stack on tho ranch of Robert Renz, near Poplar, Mont., Loulso and Ches-tor Ches-tor Ricker, young children of Ezra Rlcker, woro burned to death. A child of Mr. Renz, playing with them, was saved by Its father, attracted to tho) scono by tho screams of the children |