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Show Historic Vermont Town. Bennington is tho most peculiarly interesting of all Vermont towns on account ot its historical associations as well as Its pictorial beauty. It Is situated in tho extreme southwestern portion of the beautiful stato whoso namo, derived from two words, signifies sig-nifies "green" and "mountain." It was hero that the pride-swollen Bur-goyno Bur-goyno cast n covetous oyo on tho supplies sup-plies and stores gathered from tho fcrtllo prolific fields, and to secure which for his hungry mercenaries ho sont out on army early In August, 1777, under Col. Baum, composed chlclly of Germans with a scattering of nrltlsb. From "Tho Charm of Historic His-toric Bennington," by G. Marlon Burton, Bur-ton, In Four-Track News. |