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Show j SIMPLE CURE FOR SNAKEBITE.! i Life of Coolie Auerted to Have Been 8aved by Mesmerism. ' When I was stationed nt Nowshcra news was brought to me one morning that ono of my collies had been bitten' by a snnko and was dying, says the Madras Times. I hurried to his hut and found tho mnn unconscious and, bleeding from his mouth and noso. A few passes from tho hend downward stopped tho blooding. I continued thq passes, nnd In ten minutes ho was nblo to open his oyes, but unablo to speak or move his hands or limbs. I continued tho passes, nnd nftcrtho lapse of another flvo minutes ho wns ablo to speak feebly nnd Indicate tho seat of pain. Each pass grndiial'y worked tho position downward nnJ the man's speech grow stronger by degrees, nnd In half an hour's tlmo from tho beginning of tho operation the man was nblo to sit up. Having worked tho poison down bolow tho knees, I tied n ligature below tho kneo and sent him to n hospital, whero ho eventually recovered. Ho was bltton In tho right foot. 1 should very much have liked to havo carried tho experiment experi-ment out to tho end nnd hnvo bled him, but not being n medical man, nnd ns thero wns a hospital only a few miles distant, I had to submit to circumstances. |