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Show REVOLT ACAIHST M LIKELY Other Aspirants for Presidency Presi-dency Waiting for the French Blockade. President Castro Is Said to Be Boast-Ina Boast-Ina That He Will Test the Monroo Doctrine People Ready to Fight Against President. Wlllomstnd. Conditions In Venezuela Venezu-ela were unchnngod nt tho dnto of tho latest advices from that country. Tho censorship Is rigid. One report is that tho nttltudo of Vlco President Vln-rento Vln-rento Gomez, who is snld to bo plotting plot-ting a revolution against President bastro, In enso of a French blockndc, Is causing somo anxiety. It is reported also that General An-tonlo An-tonlo Velutlnl, second vlco president, has a. socrct understanding with rrnucc, nnu inni no aspires to tno presidency. All tho turmoil over tho French Cnbio company's concessions Is attributed to General Velutlnl, and it Is expected ho will soon abandon President Castro. President Castro Is said to bo boasting boast-ing that ho will test tho Monroo doctrine. doc-trine. Tho reports say that tho best Information Infor-mation In Venezuela shows that Frnnco or any other power can rely upon almost tho cntlro population to fight President Castro, and that anxiety anxi-ety Is ovcrywhero expressed for tho urrlvnl of tho French to solve tho problom which Is beyond the resources of the Venezuelans. Money will be decidedly scarcer If a war should break out, and tho Venezuelan Vene-zuelan government has mado no preparation prep-aration whatever for tho commissariat. ; President Castro continues his cam-palgn cam-palgn against foreigners nnd hns expelled ex-pelled a man named Vnn Kcstern. |