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Show 1 RANCHMAN SHOT DOWN. 'Thomas O'Neil Attacked by Hired Assassin In Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyo. Tom O'Neil, tho .Chalk Bluffs ranchman, wns shot by ,an unknown assassin nt his ranch, twelvo miles south of Choyonno Saturday Sat-urday afternoon, but will recover. The bullet, n .30-.30, passed through tho fleshy part ot tho left leg between tho kneo and hip nnd lodged in tho right ,1cg about flvo inches nbovo tho knee. Choycnno surgeons were cnllcd to the ranch by telephono nnd dressed tho wounds. Tho shot wns fired by a hired killer, who adopted tho tactics followed so successfully for many years by tho ilato Tom Horn, tho slnyer of Wllllo Nlckcll, Matt Rash, Isham Dart, William Wil-liam Powell, William Lewis nnd others. Jho nssnssln fired from a distance of nt least a mllo, not daring, evidently, to como closer to O'Neil, for tho bullot had almost spent itself by tho time It reached Its victim. Tho circumstances show also that tho assassin aimed nt O'Nell's body, tho trojectory of tho bullet alono saving his lifo. |