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Show Ward Conference. A conference of the Garland ecclestlas-tical ecclestlas-tical ward was held In this city Sunday last. Among the vMtor.s were Prcst. OIccu K. Stohl, C. Ell is Jensen and J. I). Call. Tho forenoon session was devoted de-voted to Sunday School exercises aud reports re-ports wero also given by olllcers of the various organizations. A class lrom the Garland North Sunday School rendered a class exercise. In tho afternoon somo reports wero given ly tho various olllcers of organizations and tho following woro honorably released from their respective positions. A it. Capcncr as superintendent superinten-dent of tho Garland Sunday School aud I1L1 c.oiiiiM'lors, O. E. Wilcox uud Untcl lto.se; Thus. B. King as superintendent of Garland North Sunday School aud Ills counselors, A. II. Gleason aud Win. King; Agnes Fife as a Primary counselor and Adel.i lkrick as an aid, both of the Garland North organization; F. I). Welling Well-ing as second counselor to Ill-hop W. I. Grovir. Each wero tendered u vote of thanks for past labors. During the afternoon sesrlou a beautiful beauti-ful duet was rendered, entitled, "Keep On Hellovlng," by Mrs. Mariu Wing aud It. I,. Hush, ltemarks were also made by Prct. OIccu N. Stohl aud C. Ellas .leuseii. The olllcers uud uutborltlcs of thu church were presented and sustained. Some changes were made in the Garland ward, .lo.s, Jciiscn was ohoacu to succeed F. I). Welling as second contactor to Hp. Gmver and both Sunday Schools were reorganized as follows: (i.wu.ASi) Sti.NU.vv School Supcrtiu-teudeiit, Supcrtiu-teudeiit, Hcrdit Smith; 1st counselor, Ur.se I ltose; 'Jnd coun.sc!or,(not yet tilled). G.uii.K.sn Nourii hii.Nii.vv School Supcilutcndcnt, Win. King; 1st counselor, counsel-or, John E. .Manning; ,'ntl counselor, Jus. F. Devcy. Tho couferouci.' was well attended. |