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Show CONQUERING A GRIZZLY. Nearly all old Callforiilans, says tho author of "Early Days In California," have heard of "Mountain Charley," who lived in the Santa Cruz mountains, moun-tains, where he hunted bear and deer. Of his adventures, many of which were remarkable, there is none stranger stran-ger than his light with a grizzly. Ono morning tie started out with his gun. He had gone but a short dis tance wncn lie rounu nimseir race to face with a grizzly. Tho bear was sitting sit-ting on Ills haunches reaching for acorns when Charley came upon him. The hunter tried to bring his rlllo up, but being at such close quarters, the bear disarmed htm by striking the weapon with Its paw and knocking tho weapon out of his hands. At the samo time he embraced Charley. Hoth fell to the ground. Being on a hillside, they rolled over and over until un-til they reached the ravine below, when the bear loosened Its hold, yet did not seem inclined to givo up the tight. Charley realized that his only chance was to "wind" the bear by striking him with his tlst over the heart. He landed the blow as near tho region as possible. He struck ltrst with ono fist and then with the other In rapid succession when ho found the bear weakening. By this tlmo thoy were close to the embankment of the creek. The bear had lost no tlmo In getting In his iicratches and bites. It had made one wound over the hunter's forehead and down tho cheek to tho hone, and had torn one of his eyes from the socket. It had also fastened its teetli In the man's left arm, and made an ugly wound there. With a desperate lunge Charley shoved the bear over the embankment into the water. Then, too weak to stand, ho fell exhausted upon tho ground. Tho bear was apparently In the samo condition. It waded to the opposite bank and lay down. At last the bear rose to its feet and walked up the stream, frequently stopping stop-ping and looking back, as If hesitating whether or not to renow the light. Going at a slow pace, It Anally disappeared. disap-peared. When Mountain Charley thought he could move with safety, he crawlod to the stream and drank n little water, then washed tho blood from his face, pushed the eye back Into the socket, and crawled to his home. Ho was taken to Son Jose for medical treatment. treat-ment. Tho bones of ono arm were brokej. Several, months passed before be-fore hb rlcovclred. His eye was riot destroyed, but his face was so disfigured dis-figured that his friends hardly knew him. Not discouraged by this terrible experience, however, he continued to hunt until gamo became scarce. |