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Show iflousehold Matters Cure of Drain 1'lpei. Copperas will remove odors from the drain pipes. Put one pound of the crystals In a quart bottle nnd till up with cold wntcr. Cork tightly nnd ,v lnliel "Poison." Pour u llttlu of this I a 1,1,0 ,M0 P'l'cs whenever there Is nny 7' odor. BnTA tlm llrenn, H Save the slices of brend which uro not eaten nt meals, tlrown them nnd roll with rolling pin. Placo them In 1 jars. Use for thickening gravies nnd I for rolling cutlets and llsh In before H frying. H 1'npcr mill .Slrlnc. I'nper and string need rarely be II uiThnsed If nil the brown paper from B parcels Is neatly folded nnd kept in ono drawer, the string rolled up in tho 1 etrlng basket, whilst if newspapers I 6ecm to nccunnilato in too largo quail-I quail-I titles In the home, the butcher Is usual-I usual-I y willing to buy them. 1 Wjr or Trylns, I Two modes of frying. One Is to 1 Lave Just enough fat to prevent the 1 article from burning or sticking, nnd H jtho other Is to have enough not only (o cover the food, but to float it. The , flatter Is by far the better way, ns nil ! (the surfneo of the nrtlcle Is Instnntly , (hardened, and therefore will not absorb fat. It is nlso the cheaper way, be- f pause tho fat can be used many times. ! ItoHitlng ItiB Turkey. I The New York Evening Post has had f Bovcral lettera Inquiring the process by (Which a turkey or other fowl can bo Roasted breast downward, as advised. fTh!s is not n dinicult feat, several do-(vices do-(vices having been tried with success. (The best was a scries of wooden skew-(era skew-(era holding the bird upright. Sometimes Some-times one or two small stoncwaro ten-tups ten-tups hnve to be used to brace a heavy lilrd. Tho results nre well worth tho trouble. |