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Show I a r land ommercial (jub MEET AND ADQPT CONSTITUTION AND .HYLAWH NAMB DOAKP OF UOVEItNOHS-MEETINO WEN, ATTENDED. OFFICERS SELECTED AND HOUSE COMMUTE AUTHORIZED TO FIT UP ROOMS. ,,, j, Tho Garland Commercial Club mcf according to appointment lit tho Garlaud Amusement Hull Momliiy livening at 8 o'clock. The meeting was well attcnd-id mid consldcrablo Interest manifested. '" Chairman Moslah Evans called the elub to order nnd a motion was carried that the same olllcers nppoluted at the last meeting hold over Mr Evans chairman and It. 1j. Hush, secretary. The minutes of liiht meeting were read by tho secretary secre-tary and approved. The comlttec on Constitution and llylaws, conslstlug of W 11 ltoKc, president, .1 A I tost an and W It Yaiilleet, rcKrteil and the constitu-tion constitu-tion was read to the members by the president. A motion was carried that the constitution be reread and adopted section by section. The president then proceeded to read the constitution and such change that were deemed necessary necess-ary wern made. The Constitution and llylaws consisting of a preamble and 20 Mvlions were iiuamlmoubly ndopted. A number of applications for member-hip member-hip were accepted by tho club. Moslah Evans, .1 A Itostan ami .1 C Wheclon wi-rc -Iiom-u as mcmlicrs of tho Hoard of Governors for the three-year term; for the two-year term W I, Orover, T II Edwards and W 1' Baton and for the one-year term W H Howe, B I) Hacon and -M A Hoothe. A meeting of the Hoard of Governors was appointed for Tuesday afternoon at Judge Vanaus-ileln's Vanaus-ileln's otllce for the purpose of organlz-ing organlz-ing the club. Tho club ttvk a reces for a few minute and thu Inltatlon fees wero handed to the secretary. Adjourned. Tho Hoard of (Jovernors met Tuesday at the above stated place and organized the Garland Commercial Club. Follow-are Follow-are the olllcers M-leeted: Moslah Bviuis, president. John C Wheelon, vlee-pre.sldent, .? A Itostan, secretary. J A Wlxom, Ast. secretary. Walter P Eaton, treasurer. A number of committees were named and the House Committee was authorized to fit up room on the second floor of the Hiter Hro. Illock. The secretary was also authorized to secure the ueccsary books and stationery. The Constitution and Hy-laws arc too lengthy to appear in our paper but will be printed in pamphlet form at an early date. The following is the preamble; Dir.AUIll.K The purpose of this association slmll be to advance by social intercourse and friendly rxchuuge of vlews.the commercial commerc-ial prosperity and growth of Oarland, Hox Elder County aud State of Utah; to promote uniformity In tin custom aud j usage of producers, manufacturing uud merchants; seek remunerative markets for home products; foster capital mutually mutual-ly interested iu each other's welfare; encourage en-courage manufacturing; collect and disseminate dis-seminate valubte agicirltural. matiufactur lug aud commerci.il information; to do any ami all things necessary to promote object of the club. |