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Show | Wasatch Canyon Reporter Big doings herein Wasatch. John Says Bullwheel the the Clatworthy is too narrowly focused, and shows what a shallow readership we have. Perhaps true, maybe not. _ It could also be an infantile cry for attention...so here you go: John Clattworthy. Feel better guy? Curiously we received an anonymous tip about someone shaving Mr. Clattworthy’s cat. We don’t know if this is a euphemism for something seamy, or if his cat is actually shaved. Hollywood at _ Spanky’s- The hip locals are _working for the folks who created the best movie of the summer: Trainspotting. Robin Cohen, and Carolyn “Siren of Osa Alta” are working on the follow up to Trainspotting. Recently a group of the filmmakers headed out for a_ night of cocktails and billiards at Spanky’s with the impossibly beautiful ‘Cameron Diaz, and her ‘boyfriend Matt Dillon. POON er a pre AS THE BULL WHEEL Or ievoroahasecehens pup TITEL Tea ee Classifieds Chance of a Lifetime Unfortunately — they didn’t bother to call us at the WCR or we: would have snapped some pics. Brad . Wilson of of | Brian Head _ Marketing has headed for Sugarbush Vermont for. new duties. Good Luck!! Mark Shubin stopped by the offices place. Some folks aren’t used to strong drink. Ask Sean some time about the cute story about his trousers ribbons. being cut to Congratulations to Perry Hacker on his appointment as manager of lodging for Solitude ski resort. A huge congratulations to Jack and had to say: The Zephyr — Cole for his promotion to went off, with a group of Snowbird _ Sizzlers. Laurel Sander of Windspirit Massage and eastern medicine, Dutchy, Karen De’Rose, and _ the _Mmemory gets a bit hazy from there. They were all cuttin’ up the rug to Sunny Landrith, and perhaps this story teller was over-served. Nice to see the core of Snowbird getting out.I ‘manager of the Inn Snowbird. Helen Blair was a ride in the 1983 Toyota love vehicle commandeered by the venerable editor of this great paper. (aside: Helen, after giving you a ride to Sandy, the police. took one look at my Toyota, and impounded it. I got to spend the evening sitting ROSSIGNOL Viper 205cm with Solomon Equipe made a rock star appearance at ‘Chovies bash staying long upcoming visit. — enough to boot all over the for her Ones Cows! Leather is for Already broken Help Wanted: Advertising Sales Person for reg. $100 / sacrifice $40. : ods nice, brand new, reg $120-/ what a deal: $50. Call 487.6654. Scarpa Boots Like new (Used Size 2 fits 9-91% $325.00 Also: Tecnica TNT Racing size 9% Used 3 seasons $50. Call Dave at -647- 585 1 Two pairs - Call 801-486-1388 and ask _to speak with Jon A. 1983 Yamaha XT550 little work, but runs like a dream. $600.00 Call 467-2203 and ask for J onny. 9%. 10 times) - size 8.5 beans. ‘Territory. High Comission! Enduro, Needs a Terminator Telemark 200 the lucrative Park City SWANY gloves. Extra Euro of Tecnica Get Rapidly | a Life! advancin g telecommunications company offers personal freedom for aggressive self Starters. Be your own boss with flexible hours. Call for more info. 801-553-1834 TNT AVS ski boots. 9 % and 8 % . The smaller boots are . “Corporate World-Wide-Websites eens ‘Internet Training— “Online Marketing ‘High bandwidtth connectivity, ‘The best support 2 Xcom provides the very best in World Wide Web 601-553-1834. or a www.utw.com/~mayer/steve.html homepages and total website development. Our largest site to date is over 500 pages with over 10,000 Hyperlinks. If you are thinking about taking your company online call _ Page 14 in, Brand new - $25 | LEKI poles. Brand new - my ride away. Crime does not wiser 2 Call Jonny at 467-2203 Snowbird Banquet fame was the or best offer. Ask for Heather 583- 5443 Course bindings $250. Obo. SCOTT racer poles 50” - $40. much Brand new, in the box. $300 size 9. A mere cuffed, by the side of the road | pay!) Lake Powell will be Arkos: 201cm with Rossignol FKS waiting for a wrecker to take — serving up the grub at the Metropolitan. Sean “38” Lake Telemark Boots! X bindings $250. Obo. ROSSIGNOL Viper Z Good boots both. Call Equipes Women’s size 6-6.5 201cm with Rossignol FKS Seven Summits Passes. Tim of corp. has sold two $50. John at 649-2721. Course bindings $250. Obo. LEKI backcountry extendable poles. Brand new hear the these from me for $165. The larger boots are 4 years old, and can be had for a song ROSSIGNOL Viper X ° at _ Tecently lucky enough to score — one year old, skied with | precision, and passion. Steal . Be able to afford your dreams. ; Growing telecommunications ~ ‘co. offers career with huge money making potential. Full or part-time. Call now! 801-553-1834 |