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Show Wasatch Canyon Reporter cates Now doing head bump, numerology, and entrail readings! a A... March 21 - April 19 Diver sions have been plentiful in the last month and will continue to distract you until the new year starts. However, diversions must not come at the expense of time spent in the mountains or anywhere else away from city lights. The beauty of the alpine wilderness, matched only by desert solitaire, should not be taken for granted anymore. Your redemption will be best achieved through heavy use of this year’s season’s pass. | oe April 20 - May 20 Even though you have been working far too much again, you will experience relief only when the snow starts flying and your present trials will be a rapidly fading memory. Expect to reap a bountiful reward for your current hard work and long hours, although the results may not be immediate. Don’t skimp when stocking up on gear for this upcoming winter ski/snowboard season, that is what you have been working for. — | ee _ , EMINI May 21 - June 21 As the burdens of school or work accumulate and the days grow ever shorter, rest assured that your season’s pass will soon be useful. Look forward to a long and cold winter season and know that you would have it no other way. If you have a history of disposable romances, now is a good time to find a similar mate and bond for the cold winter. For the romantically disenfranchised Gemini, winterizing your auto is good frustration release, and practical too. C... CER June 22 - July 22 Your pace of life has endured a shift for the better. Whether faster or slower, your body is thanking you for the change in ways soon to be known to you. A regimen of ample exercise can prepare you for the upcoming ski/snowboarding season - so get busy exercising. As a Cancer you will not be happy until you pick up where you left _ off last spring on the slopes. | a LE July 23 - August 22 Those nasty habits you thought you’d gotten over are rearing their ugly heads. Resistance will take | great fortitude - make sure to use incentives to reward yourself for besting temptation. Problem roommate situations can often be resolved by pawning all their possessions and buying yourself new skis/snowboard with the money, although you may _need to check on the legality of such actions first. oe | | vi... August 23 - September 22 Lately you have become self-absorbed in various pursuits leaving your social life to revolve y around the TV guide. Feel confident that your pursuits are a necessary evil, regardless of the unwanted opinions of others. Romantic dilemmas may cause concern, but they usually have a way of resolving themselves for Virgos without having to make a pact with the devil. If you do make a deal with the devil - be sure to get a signature. | Le September 23 - October 22 With another birthday under your belt, the normal increase in wisdom has been slow to assert itself. Even though your finances have been a concern recently, look to cash flowing in from unexpected sources in the near future, although pawning birthday presents is frowned upon. Resist those refined Libran desires to sample the finest restaurants Salt Lake City has to offer and instead spend that hard earned cash on a season’s pass, thereby ensuring long-term healthy fun at the local’s only rate. shee) | | te — October 23 - November 21 Enough is enough, Scorpios always have and always will do just fine taking care of themselves. Those suffocating nurturing tendencies of some people unaware of your independence may spark that rebellious streak you are known for. A financial windfall may do the most good in a savings account, unless - of course - you. still need to purchase a season’s pass. Ne aac te ene November 22 - December 21 Despite monotony of repetition and routines again. , Fortunately, the skiing/snowboarding opportunities just around the corner will provide | relief from even the most boring schedules you § may have bargain to currently shopping will endure. Your inevitably multiple ski/snowboards swaps. tendency for lead you to -MAPRICORN December 22 - January 19 Shorter “days are beginning to take their toll on your playful lifestyle. Indoor options will soon rule your recreational world limited only by your wallet. All good Capricorns know salvation will not be truly found until the snow lies deep on the slopes and you are there to exploit it. | | QUARIUS January 20 - February 18 The , igration of the birds to the South this time of year is mirrored by your migration away from physical fitness. Fortunately for you it is easy to build on a good foundation, provided you can break inertia’s grip. As an Aquarian, among the smartest of the zodiac, you are well aware of the exact status of your physique and the adjustments that need to be made. oe ISCES your February romantic 19 - March side has been 20 Even the wandering nature & Do You DREAM OF... ensnared by the > (FESSTHILL | _.° Leading the pack while biking the Wasatch Crest Trail? hb. © Skiing High Rustler, or Boarding Great Scott, non-stop, from | top to bottom?* Running the Salt Lake Classic? © MAKE YOUR DREAM A REALITY, How? 97 : With Personal Training. Personal Training is just that; an individualized program designed to meet your needs. Kathleen Leopardi can help assess your needs, and motivate PERSONAL you to stick with a progressive program. TRAINING. Kathleen Leopardi holds a BS in Exercise and Sport Science from the University of Utah. She is certified with the American College of Sports Medicine, and is also a Certified Strength Conditioning Specialist. Kathleen specializes in cardiovascular fitness, weight loss/gain, and weight training. Ski CONDITIONING CLASSES The nip in the air brings on a change of seasons, which means something new and exciting is to come. Skiing! There are still a couple more months until the snow flys, however so now is the perfect time to fine tune your body and get ready for the glorious powder! The ski Conditioning classes are | 1/2 hours taught Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 6:00 to 7:30 Tuesday evenings, class will be held outdoors at sugarhouse park, emphasizing dryland exercises and anaerobic conditioning. Thursday evenings will be held indoors at Foothill Personal Training, with the emphasis placed on aerobic and weight training. and tossed around like a small boat in a big storm, (Ed. Note: Like a little man in a canoe?) your persistence will be rewarded. Current activities involving more than just yourself must be coordinated so that everybody has the same desired end-product. Momentum is important for Pisces, and it is hard to imagine what you couldn’t ~ accomplish with enough momentum - maybe even achieve physical fitness before the snow lies deep enough on the slopes to ski/snowboard. you’ve been Fea€ress though neglected of Sagittarians, KATHLEEN LEOPARDI FOOTHILL PERSONAL TRAINING 801-486-7755 When it matters! Page 10 Test the water! Call 801-486-7755 to book a FREE personal training session with Kathleen. Experience a structured exercise program — designed specifically for rt | |