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Show LU J | _ Wasatch Canyon Reporter Ear Are by Marta Heilbrun ; Now that everyone is registered to vote, it is time get out and vote and vote informed. Everyone knows Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, but ‘what about the-other candidates? Do you know who your state legislator is? The current state legislature signed a bill authorizing concealed weapons permits which allow people with permits people who want to move up in state politics. Of course, these people also set the standards for to wear a concealed weapon anywhere, the mall, the grocery store, schools, churches, yourself about various candidates’ platforms and plans. The League of Women Voters publishes a education. Whether or not you have children, non-partisan voter’s guide, which lists candidates, these people will have a profound effect on the development of the society we live in. It was the their experiences, and asks a number of questions. These guides, as well as pamphlets from Utahns Salt Lake City school board that decided to ban all for non-curricular clubs, rather than allow a Gay Straight Alliance at the high school level. With so few people voting, one person’s vote really does numbers. These libraries, public like Choice, include the the ACLU, 6 THE FOLLOWING ARE CANDIDATES WHO MOST CLOSELY REPRESENT OUR TROUBLED BELIEFS: President/Vice President Bill Clinton/Al Gore US Congress, District 2 Ross Anderson | Jim Bradley/Shari Holweg Governor/Lt. Governor Attorney General einformation s ei the can Pete Suazo - District 2 — sce Utah State House 3 board is also an important stepping stone for | Mary Hammond- District 6— _ Mike Dmitrich- District a | television Dave bee: District 25 Gene Davis - District 30 Judy Ann Buffmire - District 35 Gary Cox - District 38 SKI news to current political debates like the Mary Carlson - District 31 | State School Board | local | programs to see how the candidates respond Loretta Baca- District 27 Salt Lake City School Board — candidates. They— be reached by » newspapers and : ; about records, telephone at 1-800662-7627, or by their web Sos “Site, http://www.vote--smart.org. Look to the Utah State Senate Ce - campaign finances and past and _— current position statements of Jan Graham _ phone from the League itself. Project Vote Smart_has © etc. It was not until the LDS church itself suggested that this bill may be flawed did the legislature begin _ backtracking. (Ed. Note: The editorial staff of the WCR is evenly split on this issue. Some in the office bring their side arm into the hopper with them. Others believe snub nosed weapons have no place in houses of worship.) This is also the government body that disobeyed its own rules about Secret Meetings, to discuss the “Gayagenda” in our schools. Only by knowing about the candidates, can we, as constituents, assess - their accountability. — School board candidates are the people oii decide how property taxes are levied. The school candidates’ guides are available in many schools, public service offices Gary Pratt- District 46 Chris Shouse- District 49 Ruth Wagner - District 53. Steven Woodall . establishment — of Escalante/Grand Staircase © _ National Monument, and the erent. er sata transportation issues facing the Wasatch Lla Rose (Martin) Fife Roger H. Thompson Daryl Cameron Barrett . Front. shows Also, various during the~ ‘month of October on Jerald A. Sumison KUED channel 7 and KUER FM-90 will make a difference, especially in local elections. allow candidates to present their platforms and goals for office. | You do yourself and your community a disservice by just checking off the first name on the ballot. The issues we at the Wasatch Canyon Reporter We encourage ott to land out what that name consider important are the protection of maximum — represents. amounts of wilderness, reproductive rights, _ There are a number of resources to inform lesbian and gay rights, and multiculturalism. There were.many people whom we could not Ae bobsoWoPNedve Physically & Financially SUPER BLUE SOME Restle! GREEN™. ALGAE REPORTED BENEFITS Increased energy, stamina, endurance. Boost immune efficiency, improve memory A 100% wild grown organic whole food, contains almost all the vitamins and minerals, easy to take capsules or tablets For information on how to purchase these _ products with a money back guarantee and more on the business opportunity available. — Call 1 800-927-2527 X5930 Independent Distributor — #11401 2 Page 6 | endorse, because position we statements were meant. unclear of what For example, their Cherri White, who is running for Jordan School Board ‘States, “...school personel should not be involved : in clubs or groups with students that promote any behavior that is illegal.” So we can assume she is opposed to the “Pipe Bomb Builders Club”. We can’t support Ms. White for anything even distantly related to education with that kind of ambiguous response. Or Leslie Komatsu, who is running for School Board in Murray, responded, “NA” when asked about the issue of school clubs. If she wants to be on the School Board, and thinks school clubs are not applicable to school issues, we cannot understand why she is running. If we do not know the candidates’ positions, or if they are in voting districts that are outside of our distribution, we leave the research up to you. These are changing times in Utah politics. — |