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Show sania nscesiiasoasasiiiaiiatres nt ee '" J ip . ae agerfiergtcpecpioentie BADGLEY is a culinary world and “Suffusing the air, enticing SCeNtS root in downtown Salt Lake of Fine City Arts York City. forward One to d rew and can a_ unique art that tingles the deserved reason for celebration, excitement and a shear appreciation of life The anticipation was overwhelming as I waited for the penniless publisher to escort me to dinner. He had had quite a day before picking me up which was why we were fifteen minutes late for our reservations. Up to his elbows in oil and grease and whatever else hangs out on tires, said Editor arrived at my abode calm, sparkling clean, and in control as he explained that he had been (in yet another) car accident before picking me up. We drank our worries away with a quick shared glass of red wine, and a toast to an evening of potential. Only to have this newfound placidity shattered minutes later by a Salt Lake driver going the wrong way on the I-215 entrance ramp, challenging our right to ingress. It would be up to the Met to rebuild our shattered sang froid. Entering were where The and Asian ginger is terrine similar to a. Metropolitan, walked to the Hostess we received a we stand | glowing friendly welcome; regardless of our inexcusable tardiness. We were seated at a remote table; alone with only an enormous floor to ceiling roasted ©mshtooms); (mushrooms) portobellos and chevre (goat cheese) Ono served on a warm bed of spring greens in a walnut OUF senses | and vinaigrette. to attention > the hosts. Suffusing the air, enticing scents of saffron, Asian ginger root and seared Pacific Ono enveloped our senses and drew our attention to a unique kitchen on display and very professional. The overall greeting and feeling of The Metropolitan was unique and comforting, something _ truly different downtown to experience’ Salt Lake. in : Given the choice of either the _ weekly regular menu or the tasting menu, we both opted for the $55.00 seven item tasting menu. It is also available for vegetarians for $38.00. The weekly full menu varies in price from $6- $27.00. The tasting menu allows you to _ experience a wide sampling of the Metropolitans’ particular brand of comestibles. As a true culinary experience , this is the way to go. We began with organic Utah grown squash pureed and served over a twenty year old vinegar which Delicious! A terrine is a serious work of art in a kitchen which takes hours of preparation and patience. All fresh ingredients which are twist my neck and look high at the. vaulted ceilings, the artwork canvassing the walls and various velvet curtains separating the guest balsamic chanterelles Pacific . our and — was drizzled like the Publishers lines on a powder day. (Sort of scattered and all over the place. ) What do twenty years do to a Balsamic vinegar, we hear you asking. Well, it is much thicker with a far more palpable tang. Entirely different from the roasted, blanched carefully, then molded into form and_ confidence in the food, there would teen tane t te In ter cinwn e Sr ontinonetien tione tert -’ crtete ie ita exchanged or replaced all of our silverware with polished silverware and filled our water glasses. We used enough silverware between the two of us to set Sunday Brunch for General Conference. It was — unique that the table did not have salt and pepper shakers; the clear message was of absolute icra tice . mushroom ss which seared unique kitchen” senses and expands the mind. Both a saffron, in experience with a distinctive flare of culture of enveloped is Similar to an invitation to visit the Metropolitan Museum of layered lasagna of blue and New Metropolitan are wild yellow of Paris, Francisco, New look A followed difficult not to brief York City. ; An invitation to dine at | the it was out of Salt Lake and into the richness of the San menus, puree nad ate —tnertnteetennsal treet roustabouts, journey Metropolitan a eggplant served on a bed of baby greens drizzled with a fruity olive oil. Delicious. It was so incredible, that a sample was almost a tease, leaving you desiring more. eet ethan ~— A both |. attentive with —-was tena by squash rer greeted us instantly and amused us by offering us “mineral or tap water” and presented us with a couple of different menus. As she left us to explore the possibilities of as an entirety. Between each course our server The be no need for individual seasoning. The attention to. the aesthetic component of dining was much deeper than at any restaurant — in recent memory. Each course was served on a different colorful plate ~ which complimented the dish that was being presented. layered Continued on page 12, Classified. and refrigerated. So simple, yet so succulent. The official “Second | Course” was a seared Pacific Ono layered Advertising How to fecvels your gear for cash. if you are tenptleae: to piace a notice on the .board. at. RET, mushrooms in Brighton general store, or the confit a instead try our brandy wine |] Albion Grill, They are dirt cheap tomate. ..2& IC lessitiecs. and have a huge circulation. Get lobster sauce. with wild Definitely, my favorite. The fish was cooked medium rare allowing the texture of the Ono‘to with flavor texture rid of Page 7 covered doesn’t sell, no charge! 2C; Pledse send those ads Kayak, to: 801-486-1388 fax 485-2735 Classified Division of the mushrooms that dust romantic partner,or unusual ‘bedroom appliance. For only five American percentage points «(355) you get a premium classified ad including words and everything. Ama. “that’s. eniar <Pet sell your item. eR Bi oe. }j YOU flare the and 4 and compliment the lobster sauce. Every bite had it’s own essence that banjo, Wasatch 1104 Salt Canyon Ashton Ave. Lake City, Reporter Suite 204 UT ~ What is ‘etaplinecd at ne Metropolitan is far from what is anticipated. Stepping through the massive glass doors, whisked open represented a property of the meal home. accompanied (Cara, but she preferred to go by the unusual nom de server of “#3”’’) $55. Balsamic I splash about salads at am window displaying an panoramic view of West Broadway. Our server 84106 We'lltry to make your ad Look better than this one! teeter is located at Metropolitan tel - The at 173 West Broadway, Salt Lake City. Call 801-foie gras (3643472) Entrees range from $18 to seo i of > a BY MARY BETH nar acter - DINING RE VIEW: THE M ETR OP OLITAN — erential athena ht rt = atten ncesinaese October 1 996 |