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Show eee ER AS eee MOO Tey ae a A, ag OP ONE R GOO 0 yn 3 bs ey ee peril Ntwinge-s October 1996 ARE You TR PRE- - SEASON This is the year, you think. bin finally going to start training early enough, hard enough, long enough. Last _ . yearI had that pulled left ventricle so there was no way to reach my winter goal; this year I’m healthy and one year wiser and I’m going to be an ANIMAL! A morning run, two hours in the gym after work, and yoga before I go to sleep. ’'m a going to: 1. win my age group 2. ski 100,000 vertical in the Bugaboos 3. land a 540-to-fakie-to-Roast Beef 4. carve my first tum (Choose one). Whatever the specific goal, we all go into winter trying to make a big performance gain through preseason training, and our intentions AINING INL PREPARATION MADE EASY. | injury-prevention angle provides nice camouflage to - still, because you get teagdioncorautel and strength your vanity, but the truth is that we all want to be conditioning on the climbs, with the exhilarating speed and handling of skiing on the downhills. Roller buffed. Granted, most of us are amateur athletes blading and skiing are among the best sports for leg flying by the seat of our pants in enacting a training strength combined with aerobic improvement, provided you have good pavement at your disposal. program. Some are talented or young enough to have a Whatever you choose, make sure you have fun doing coach it, or you’ll treat your endurance training like you do Mf Another Erroneous or maxim floating around clipping your toenails: it’s something you continue to do, but you’re not seeing any improvement. A modicum of flexibility training will probably help your program, but don’t overdo this weightrooms is that we mainly lift weights to prevent injuries. are good. This article is not relegated to the ski or snowboard racer or aspect. — passing the Snowbird drug test or just walking up the strength trainer for their sport; others pay and here’s how to do it. One of the biggest athletic _ blunders we make is to assume that lifting weights will technique and training philosophy, however, and what works for McEnroe may not work for Connors. Two automatically make us better on the hill. To wit, last weeks ago in my gym I was conversing with a certain © feel is stylish. naked, or as close to it as Granted, there cardiovascular fitness, from the don’t require you with either a partner or a young dog, as both will push to exceed your perceived limits. Consult: a nutritionist if you question your current diet; if you try | to follow the current “wisdom” of nutrition as displayed in books and magazines, you'll go nuts trying to differentiate HDL’s from LDL’s, choose carbo-loading vs. The Zone diet, or pick the ideal amount of Creatine Monohydrate to supplement with. — Hydrate often. Most importantly, act nonchalant when You don’t you finally reach your personal winter goal. want your friends to know how seriously you took your training endeavor. But inside, you can gloat all the way to the bank. traditional are other running, biking, roller blading and roller skiing, compulsions to lift weights than the aesthetic. It can tO more unconventional methods such as water give you a natural high if you do it regularly. Done aerobics and line dancing. I know of some " properly, with adequate warm-up and stretching, good technique and a good program, it can in fact greatly — _ reduce the time you spend in the hospital. But even the Canyon locals that think they are increasing their VO2 Max capacity by taking deeper bong e@ The tail light and tailgate handle for Your 87 | hits (Ed. Note: The WCR does not condone this strongest, best-trained skiers go through ACLs like they grow on trees. Dan Marino and Rodney Peete, @ Your left window regulator for your 84-88 Toyota Truck | injuries without being touched by a defender. In fact, I as an effective aerobic training method.) That | one won't help; the others will, some more than others. Running on flat surfaces would be _ my last choice, both because it doesn’t do much for ski-specific muscles, and because of the hear ‘pounding your knees take. Running hills is elite NFL quarterbacks who train as long and hard as any athlete, both left the field this year with major countless gym regulars bellyaching about tendonitis, carpal-tunnel syndrome, pectoral tears, and hernias-I’m personally three-for-four of these-and all these injuries were induced by the very weight training that was supposed to make them invincible. The WE HAVE 95 Nissan Truck _..PLUS a humonguous cuflectica of parts for other vehicles with more arriving daily! preferable, as is the Stairmaster, because it strengthens the muscles around your knees. The stronger you get there, the less you’! spend on Advil over the. winter. Mountain biking is better” por Page 5 to overzealously. Your body will tell you how much Stretching you need, if you know how to listen. A few final hints. Do your dryland training — you January I was in excellent cardiovascular shape, was skier currently on our national team. Without a hint of - squatting 455 and leg-pressing 900. No better time to humor he described the size of the receptacle that his learn telemarking, right? The sport that requires leg conditioning coach’s knowledge of ski-specific. strength? ‘Ten turns in and I was wheezing like antrainmg would fit into. What’s more, this skier asthmatic; my heralded. gams a gooey morass of lactic described his plan to hire the strength coach of the acid. My farcical display of stamina did not improve _ Utah Jazz to do extracurricular work, despite his paltry — until I had-put.in the magic-number-of days dropping budget, because he felt he was wasting his time with the knee-about twenty-at which time I mysteriously © the prescribed coaching program. Know thyself, that had legs again. Lesson one: stress the exercises that _ 1s, figure out what works for your sport and what does directly imitates your. sport. Certain plyometric not, and you will learn to train much smarter and more~ | exercises (specific sprints and jumps designed to effectively. _ _ Increase explosive power) are much better for skiing — Endurance and stamina: play a« ne role in than traditional weight work. Cross-training was an most winter sports, whether you want to Seaystior | 3 effective marketing ploy for Reebok to sell more deep into the backcountry, ski a mogul run nonshoes, but it doesn’t always make you a better skier. stop, hike up to Superior Peak without delaying Another erroneous maxim floating around your film crew, or simply survive a whole-day many weight rooms is that we mainly lift weights to snowboard lesson. There are a host of dry-land prevent injuries. Bushwah. Three-quarters of us are in. regimens to increase stamina and we on-snow sports reminds me every day that I used to stretch for a _ breath. The trick is not necessarily to train harder; or - _ personal trainer, and in most cases it’s money wisely earlier in the year, or longer. You need to.train smarter, . - spent. Coaches: and trainers vary wildly in their there so we will look better Most ~ contort like Swami Yogananda, and many people incur muscle tears and pulls trying to increase their flexibility without proper warm-up. Again, I know _ whereof I speak, as my three-year old hamstring tear ~Bushwah!// competitor; some of you have more modest goals, like hill to the Wildcat lift at Alta without pausing for VAIN? USED TRUCKS & AUTO PARTS WE’RE BUYING CARS & TRUCKS THAT HAVE BEEN TOTALED. | CALL 801-978-6234 or 1-800-286-6234 |