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Show D0 ooh Wasatch. Canyon Reporter Volume ll, Issue 14 John “Impound” Bresee WHAT YER LOOKIN’ AT! SnowMan = Craig “AvalancheAvenger” Gordon Sports Editor David “MountainMan” Peck Environmental Editor Hollywood Bureau iHealth & Fitness Editor Technical Editor Sales Manager - Contributors Letters TO THE EDITOR Creighton “Crewcut” Hart Kris “Sliders” Seversen Kathleen “Clipless” Leopardi William J: Bresee Jonny “Crash, Danger Boy’ mercic — J. Daniel Hall Kristen “362436” Ulmer Marta “your vote is your voice” Heilbrun LM. “ThePoet” Middleton . - Photographers se o Re ‘WCR Legal Squad ee Production Copy Editor ‘| Proofreading Plumber ie i | RJ. “What's a P&L statement?” Penner Carolyn D. U. Baker | Brady “Tort” Toensing, ESQ 3 Stephen “Eddie” Balog — R. Max Lyon: Bahahaha... as if. Johnny “Ola” Olsen Warning: All the employees of the Wasatch Canyon Reporter are incredible athletes in top physical condition and are highly trained in the activities described and depicted in the pages of this newspaper. Unless you train like a bantam weight, you risk catastrophic injury or death.|. Stay on the couch. FANCY YOURSELF A GREAT WRITER OR SHUTTERBUG? The WCR |welcomes all writers and photographers. We do not, unfortunately, pay much. Well, anything, really. Read information below if interested. If still interested after that, call 486.1388. Letters to the “Editor” should go to the address below. We publish every one we getif it has your name and address and you go easy on your enemies. We'll withhold your identity ifi you ask, but we gotta give it to anyone you libel. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a community newspaper published once or sometimes twice a month all year. The next issue comes out in about a month. Our motto: “Delay is preferable to error’ (Thomas Jefferson) - although we usually have plenty of both. The WCRis the medium altitude altemative published by another bunch of {people with some computers and a laser printer. This paper is staffed exclusively with _ jvolunteers. 12,000 issues are mailed or hand-delivered to a: wide variety of people and places} | in and around our canyons, the lower 48, and the world (one issue goes to Hong Kong). We can't afford that subscription verification service yet, so trust us. All material ©1996 and all that. Printed on partially-recycled paper. In the unlikely event there are old papers left when _ |we deliver the new ones, we recycle those. No swiping our brilliance without written - {permission of Baker or Bresee. The opinions expressed in this august publication are those __ {of the writer. A surprising number of people lack a good, solid sense of humor. Try to find -lyours. Until you see a “Fact Checker” listed above, accuracy is not guaranteed. Caveat Emptor. If you don’t agree with something, write a letter. Or better yet, type an article and send | _jit to us. We welcome art, photos, articles and gifts of food. We might run it if it doesn’t stink, but remember: We do not pay money for unsolicited material, your reward is the incredible fame accorded WCR contributors. Be sure and include a photo release if you’re sending a - |photo. None of that Apple stuff, please - we use Word, WordPerfect, Photoshop, QuarkXpress| & many other programs for Windows. Submissions will not be returned so do not send us your only copy. If you enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope we'll appreciate it but we still won't return your stuff. Buy some ads please! TO SUBSCRIBE: $20 for about a year, $1000 for a lifetime subscription; to: WCR SUBS, 1104 ASHTON AVE, STE 204, SLC UT 841062374. Special offer: BUY 5 SUBSCRIPTIONS for $100 prepaid, GET 1 FREE. Order them for all your friends. The Wasatch Canyon Reporter is a member of the Utah Press Association {the Sandy Chamber of Commerce, and co-founders of the Utah Alternative Paper Coalition. _If you have printing needs we can help. The best printer in Utah also happens to be pretty cheap 3 _ = Call 486.1388 for information.— Wasatch Canyon Reporter World Headquarters =i (aii (sté«i AB i Reat Estate: LopGiNG AT Soutune THE MouNTAIN Lire Directory ssi = (iti«éiS a oe «+ COVER PHOTO BY: Lee Cohen «+ SUBJECTS: Spencer Wheatley «oo . 3 LOCATION: Heartbreak a o wea Nar OAT Ue an — think 7 POR Cafe ree Plaza ze ae THUR 7a eat are located at | 1104 Ashton Avenue, Suite 204 Salt Lake City UT 84106-2374 Voice 801-486-1388 | Facsimile 485-2735 = 10 ie Saas WASATCH TELEMARK SERIES GALENDAR OF EVENTS °° ButwieeL/ Cuassirieps = tséC@d: : ran Sidr enh] Feb -1s5 pon 2 FRI- al eal lu aaa! E-Mail to “76761.205@compuserve.com” tintin . : , t Mth IW. com _ eee thelial Our continually updated website: AP | 24 Hours oF MoAB Bie Ron's Aupine Astrology Propuct Reviews: Enpo’s Eddy “I'llSueYourArse” Carrrolll, lll, ESQ tresan Bureau ALTERNATIVE SPORTS: TRAIN IN VAIN WHO YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR DiniNe Review: THE METROPOLITAN More 24 Hours of MoaB Lee “TheVictim” Cohen Jack “CoverBoy’Popowich ~ Chris “BigHair” Murray Mark “NoRelation” Anderson Brian “FStop” Millenbach ~Join Br Hall © Accountant Ad Sales AWD Owvmpic UPDATE. - David Charles Baker _ Ronny “TheLips” Pinner - Alexander “Alex” Miller AW - Editor __ Staff Mystic Real Estate Editor "Must (READ 1996": oN Publisher ‘October 1996 © ‘ |