OCR Text |
Show October 1996 4th Wednesday of each rdbth at 3:00 the Salt lake Olympic Committees Environmental Group meets at 257 East 200 South. For more | clock. October 30 — Oetover Oi: =" All Saints Day eve. Molly . Green’s Pub (a private one) is having a bash Nov ist -. Roller October 18 _ featuring BACKWASH! holding a fund raiser at 7PM at tet Unitarian Church, 569° Geordie McGinnis E. For info call 485.4078. October 19 ~ | ; | Black diamond Semi- Annual He's doing a lot better job _ Elle Johnson » October 21 Brett Young October 12 — Terry Gaylord Sheri Scouten the HotlireQ55-TEE November 18-22nd Pete Allen October 24 Buck Boley Coe Steadman October 24-26th | REI:SLC: Avalanche Forecast Center Ski Swap. Bring your boots, skis, poles and any _ other gear to REI on October 24-25. Swap for exactly what you want on October 26. — Equipment can be dropped off at REI, 3400 South 3285 East, on October 24th and 25th from 5 pm to & pm. The cost to register is $1 per .item, and 15% of sale price. Call 601.466.2100 for info. October 25 ) ROWMARK SKI SWAP: 970 E B00 S: 7s liPM, Solomon Snowboard Day July 4th Dual Slalom Alta. For info call Edward at 466-5479 or call Februaryi9 call Edward at 466-5479 or call the Hotline 955-TELE . January 19-24th | Salt Palace - SIA Intro Show Colorado: Pikes Peak 75th Running of the Race to the Clouds featuring vintage cars” . in additional to traditional car, truck and motorcycle SL Acting Co: One Last Dance,. through March 23rd. Call: 25S. ARTS." divisions. Run since 1916 it is “Feb. 27-Mar. 2 the second oldest motorsport & National On-Snow Demo. January 25 _ Jan’s/Coalition Title Women’ S Retailer Convention. February1 - LifeLink GS and Classic ~ Hotliné 955-TELE _March 13-15 Western Regionals—Tahoe. . For info call Edward at 4665479 TELE Pee’ April 23 SL Acting Co: Show # Five,,. through June 15. Call SOD AKT o.. or call the Hotline in the good old US of A. For entry information, call 719.665.4400. July 16 Not to be missed: SL. Acting Co: Saturday's Voyeur ‘97,. through September 21. Call _355.ARTS now and get a ticket for every show. ~ August 6-9th- | - Salt Palace: 1997. Dilkdbor. ‘Retailers Summer Market. end Calendar of Events af. for entry, call or-write the Wasatch Canyon Reporter at. 466-1388 or Fax at 485- sad “Z1o0. March 26 am, | LOCA outdoor or canyon related events will be accepted WCR reserves the right to publish or not publish. Please patronize the local businesses that you see in OE Acting Co: Incorruptible,. through April 27th. “en GSOIAR IS?) March 27th DCB turns 32. Thomas this newspaper. It makes it 30 Plofchan also has a birthday | “today. Hopefully he will use his birthday money to pay the WCR. } March 29 ‘Lone Peak Dual Moguls—Alta. much easier when we go in to ~ gell ads, if some of you folks mention where you are hearing about them. Thanks a bunch. For info call Edward at 466- : _ Join the Wasatch Canyon Reporter staff and 200,000 — other page r& mobile-phonewearing computer nerds at the world’s largest. information technology expo: COMDEX '96. Comdex conference registration and information hotline - FITNESS BAAD i WE WANT TO BE YOUR FITNESS CONSULTANT FOR LIFE ae Stairclimbers e Treadmills ¢ Lifecycles ° Universal Gyms e Used Equipment * Huge Free Weight Selection Bikes — - Recumbant Bikes « Rentals « Financing Available : 617.433.1650. AdultDex (“multimedia cybersex _ showcase” says the press release) runs the 19th through the 22nd at the Sahara Hotel. Call 317.651.9872 for more information. November 21-24th PARK CITY: Fark City. Ski Area hosts Chevy Truck America’s: MUN HOME the dates correctly. This year | it’s FOUR big. days as itis — - only the third time in the history of skiing that the simultaneously in the USA at the same resort. Four giant days of slalom will kick off on TOUNT CTF » EXCLUSIVE Gigs DEALER ¢ CLUBS ° HOTELS ¢ CORPORATE Complementary Personal Training Landice Opening 1996. Yes, you read tours have opened , Swap. They’re calling it the ate — men’s & women’s World Cup Mark Sinkiewicz. ” *- GEEK FEST ’96 in Las Vegas. SL Acting Co: Nixon’s Nixon,. through December 1. Call QOD. Ae... Dave Robinson January 19 UWG GS and Classic Fein Race—Wolf Mountain. For info than you realize.If you'd like ~ - Day Clinic—Deer Valléy. For info call Edward at 466-5479 to help with the “Get Out The or call the Hotline 955-TELE Vote” program call 528. 8959: January 25-28th November 16 Salt Palace - Winter Outdoor WTS: Pray For Snow fan Zephyr Club. For info call Edward at 466-5479 or call October 23 . e Election day! Vote for Clinton. October 20 | Christa Schmidt © PEAKS Files - - the spoof November5 Bruce Fease SALTY a is out there.” Phil Miller _ Jeanne McMahon _ Allana Kagergren 5 se “The X-Mas Linda | - Not to be missed! Call. 627.5733 for info. OGDEN October 26 25rd. Call 355.ARTS. ~ November 1&2 -- OBT (that’s ‘Off Broadway Theatre’): “Dracula vs. The Hunchback.” Last two nights! 355.4628. OBT’s next show: Julie Houghton i » Gear Swap & Sale. QAM. Call 7 U.S. Nationals—Mt. Snow, racing. Lost the phone number for this one, try calling the Vermont. For info call Edward. — at 466-5479 or call the town chamber. Hotline 955-TELE. . _ January ist March 3-7th It’s now 1997. Go right now | SIA Convention in Las Vegas - — and write “97” on the rest on The BIG One the checks in.your book so you March 9 don’t look like a hinny. Black Diamond Dual Slalom—_ January 15 SL Acting Company: Beast on = - Snowbird. For info call Edward — at 466-5479 or call the the Moon,. through February— ~ Wayne Nichol _ UTAH COUGAR Coalition is 51300 year. 24 hours of non-stop ski Zuke | Danielle Howlett Felix Medak — October 17° Robin crazy race they have every Barbara Cohn Karen Mattingly | 24 Hours of ASPEN:. That Jim Reavy - October 28 Mike Rateburg Fe the Hotline 955-TELE REI:SLC: 601.466.2100 for info. October 16 ; Edward at 466-5479 or call December 14-15th 95b- February 2. get clocks back 1 hour. Call the Hotline 955-TELE 7pm in SLC. Call the Hotline Fall Back: Daylight savings 1.900.410.TIME for the exact 5479 or call the Hotline 955-— ale Mounier Wild Rose. Groundhog’s time from our Navy’s atomic | Introduction to all ace December 7&8 Utah Winter Games Telemark Clinic—Solitude. For info call Springsteen Backpacking. Learn to handle and enjoy fall backpacking. - a David & Carolyn, 1 big year. October 27 October45 Teh cae For info call Edward at 4669479 or call TELE reservations. December 2 800 S 10AM-GPM. information contact Heidi at the SLOC 322-2002 - Abravanel Hall: Bruce Thursday the 2\st. Cail 1.800.222.7275 for your first annual and it Eeactits the Utah Avalanche Forecast Center! For more info call 467.2000. ROWMARK SKI SWAP: 970 E With Purchase. 566-7446| 484-9489 793 2350 East 7200 South South Foothill Drive MON - SAT 10-6 - 2 |