Show 4D Miss Grovel' Wedded in Home Rites tA ' °' edeol14i 4o - : sikN 11 '' ' ''' $ t 14A i ig ': 4 dertk i0dr4tr k 1 g ' ' - ' 4 4 - ' Airmet Jr was Miss 't ' ' ''t vaunt (7- t eening - ' 1 - IIk- t - - ) -- c t ' ! k -- f 't-- l ‘ I i I - University fraternities and sororities will fete rushee' at formal partioa and teas at their chapter houses during the week and hold gala formal dances and Informal house parties in honor of new pledges Friday and Saturday evenings Guesta will enter through a garden gat to the inned" party Monday from 7 to p m at the Alpha CM Omega house 1387 East First South street Pink and lavender will theme decorations and wails will be ornamented with silhouettes Miss Da Clyde is chairman and committee members include Miss Judy McAllister Miss V Pat Piston Miss Fern Clark and Itoliss Jane Slaton ' !Thursday evening between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 rushee guests will spend "An Evening in Heaven" at the chapter house Clouds of blue and silver balloon e and glistening stars will create atmosphere Chairman Ruth Jensen will be assisted by Mien Jean Duffin Mtge Constance Ford Miss Camilla Schneider and Miss Mary Graff "old-fait- h- Beta Theta Pi will be Miss Evelyn Darger Miss Marian Darger Miss Betty Jane Pratt Miss Geneva Pratt Miss Dorothy Richardson Miss Ruthie Andrews and Miss Georgia Ann Smith Chi Omega Blackboards crayon's and rulers will decorate the rooms at the Chi Omega Wednesday afternoon rush party at the chapter house 1435 East First South street rGuests will be received between the hours of 4 and 6 p m and at the "school party" Miss Betty Jean Thomas is chairman and she will be assisted by Miss Beverly Beesley and Miss Jeanette M Taggart ' Thursday from 7 to 9 p m Miss Jeanne E KarrasS has planned a violet party and table decorations will be centered with a revolving mirror ornamented with purple and white chrysanthemums AL rranged around a tiny Dresden figure Pledging will be solemnized Friday at 4 p in at the sorority house Alpha Delta 1 Members of Beta Theta Pt 1111r ba hosts to all members of the university at the annual 'Beta" dance Saturday evening at 9 p m in the campus Union building Mrs Henry G Richardson is general chairman and committee had include Mrs Walter E Jarman tickets Mrs Harold W Ansellrefreshmenta: Mrs Irving C Meyersahm decorations: Mra Wallace Beane 'entertainment and Mrs Eva W riarger dining room Serving P1' Greek letters for Alpha Delta Pi will be raised in a colorful floral spray as the centerpiece at the fqrmal candlelight tea Wednesday from 4 to 6 p in at the sorority house 70 South Wolcott street Miss Audre L Caddis is chairman of arrangements and her committee includes Miss Gloria Emery Miss Dorothy Winn and Miss Betty Woodhead "Autumnal rustic" will theme the Thursday rush affair and tables will be decorated with yellow and orange chrysanthemum Guests will be invited to burn their nameit in the "guest e 7' i -- Mrs Kenneth W Carlson Was Miss Beth Turner Sho Mr" Jame Shepard II Mao Jordan Rhea inn roes centered with a purple Mr and Mrs Martin wilt live in Salt Lake City orchid Miss La 111 Ile Sutton an aunt of the bride was maid of honor Other attendanta included Miss Pauline Bangerter of Granger and Miss Ruth Poole bridesmaids Gordon Steele of Pocatello served as best man Miss Irma Knudson Miss Anna M Anderson and Mrs Iva Skidmore were in charge of the make their home are the newly wedded Mr and Mrs Elmer R Wyllie who exchanged vows Saturday in the Salt Lake L D S temple The bride is the former Miss Donna Sutton daughter of Mr and Mrs R V Sutton 817 Hepner-Marti- n Jordan-Shepar- d Pacific avenue Mr and Mrs Mark liepner street announce the marriage of their datighteer Miss Cleone Ilepner to Frank Martin son of Mr and Mrs Frank E Martin 2882 Ninth East street The ceremony was performed October 31 at the home of the bride's parents with John A Harter officiating Members of the immediate families attended For the present in WalkOver's History Now ill Progress and Making History HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF QUALITY SHOES ON SALE AT - HUGE REDUCTIONS DOORS OPEN 9:30 A M MONDAY WALKOVER'S 214 SOUTH MAIN IP Chairman NevaHtibbard will be assisted by Miss Marjorie Free Misa Marie Haymond and Miss Jeanne E McKay In honor of the new pledgem Delta Gamma activei will hold an informal dance Friday at 9 p tn at the chapter Ilona Decorations will be designed around a "Latin American ta used Miss Barbara West is chairman and will be assiated by Miss Sally Van Aradall Miss A Dressler Miss Mies Betty Ann Miss Kathleen Green : Kappa Sigma McMaater "star" of Kappa Sigma was guest of honor at the formal banquet Friday evening at the Kappa Sigma house 33 South Wgicott street Stara hearts and Kappa Sigma emblems were used in decorating the table and the honored guest was presented with a aapphire engraved gold loving cup Other gueats at the affair included University President and Mrs LeRoy E Cowles' Mrs James Ingebretsen Dean and Mn John L Saint and Mr and Mn Dan B Shields Mr and Mrs Walt Furman Delta Gamma have been invited to the circus party to 6 p m at the Monday from chapter house 1373 East First South street Miss Margaret Smith is in charge and her committee includes Miss Helen Cannon Miss Margaret McConkle and Miss Barbara Crook "Milady's Boudoir" will be the theme of the Thursday night affair between the hours of 6:30 and 8:30 p m The traditional rose ceremony will be solem-- f nized and decorations will be t - "J : ' le lllit - and her committee includes Miss Helen McLean Miss Zola Rice and Miss Beth Allen Phi Mu 1 17 1 : N‘ 1 ' ‘ ) 1 ‘ VI z ' i i '1 - v4 - 1 N it ‘- - o I O t - adorned with Witd Eeistern Mrik : f ' ' 14‘ tC) Ili Kappa Alpha In a "gay idtetteI" setting on a sawdust floor memand bers of Pi Kappa Alpha will frolic at the annual bowery party Saturday at 9 p in at the Forest Dale club house 2375 South Ninth East street Membere of the fraternity from the chapter at the Utah State Agricultural college have been invited William F Call Jr is chairman of arrangements ''''''''':':: :'''''-"-- Sigma Chi Pledge members of Sigma Chi the active chapter at a barn dance Saturday evening at 9 p m Location of the barn Is being kept secret until the night of the Informal party Coat ''''''"r' 095 and top 1°:::'"-::‘'''''':kr:"I':- r ''' 'i t ' V N i 4 lit : 1 ! "4' )1 i'''' ' ' gu - ii I "N I - -- i''' i':''' ' qk -- :i- I :' ' li c'1 if i e : 1 i - i r ' : - i ' 4 ' 4! iy a i s - - NI i 1 - - z- - ! ir' - -- - 1 it I - -- '4 it I 1 10 : lis ' -- 4 ' - i - I 4z ' '':'ii: 1 f ' ' ' ' - - li :' - ' A ' t i ' 1! ' : 4 - N 4 4 : - I 1 i 4 0 0 I 1 N dVit ig - 111111111 1 '1) ' 1 I I 111111iii : t i 411- 7 '::1-- N 4 t4 ' 3' i -- - :::'-- :: ' A1' I ''l s f ' —iN ' '1'''' :: - "' ''''' 't- Solon- -- Averbach's Second Floor i II ' - — --— ‘ raN)INN - ' 1 - - I - 11' c' f A t VI '''''‘':' it 1 t t t ( CHARGE v Silver" Fromm fox on coat black wool 14995 1 1-- 713th "Brg4 i - I 1 IS' i- Delta Zeta Alumnae i ::k"eiik Grow sarnuet s Howard will give an illustrated lecture on autographs at the monthly meeting of the Delta Zeta alumna e Monday at 7 p in at the home of Mre Ralph S Jennings 1344 Emerson avenue Dinner will be served and hostesses for the affair are Mrs Arnold S Adair and Miss Vent-lee- r Marx Others at :: a- iii'f'''''7'716'':1—:-71- Dean Criddle is the new president of Phi Eta SigmR honorary scholarship Ireternity Other new officers are Ray Neel Welling vice president: Mervin Colbert xecretary Lorin Clayton treasurer and Eldon D Nielsori historian Stah ley R Child is senior adviser and Herbert Warren Maw social chairman Recently pledged to the group are C ElH liot Richards Wayne Hilton Dale Barlow Dan Onickt and Wad I k -- : Phi Eta Sigma with-fitc- gance yet wear divinely Blacks Sizes 10 to 20 or muted-colors- : - !Ipt14!-k-- r - t-'-' 'I:z- - - p m Miss wIth Lop mink I - -- ''c":'i'7-0- - the formal pledging ceremony for 23 university women into the fine arts society Wednesday afternoon at the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority house 33 South Wolcott street The pledges are Miss Marie MISS Haymond Betty CFowiks slim' Barbara Coates Miss Chaucey Horsely Mims Hope Horstall Mimi Margery Bringhurst Misa Mildred Helen Butcher Misa Beth Allen Mists Sims n Woodruff Ai Jam I lelen Edith Shaughnega3' Miss Jeanne E McKay Miss Janet Woodruff Miss Shirley Bangerter Miss Jane Nyvall Mimi Marguerite Fisher Minit Jeanne Karraas Mk Mary E Aye Miss Elaine Bartlett Mica Cris-ti- e Mimi Wicker Josephine Miles Mimi Alice Ruth Goddard Miss Its Thomas and Miss Anna Lee Peterson triumphantly— tantly" to engagements that mat ter Coats that breathe extrava- - Miss Congtance Ford president of Apmin officiated st the last small with Fromm pedigreed silver fox Coats to wear "impor- 9995 ''' coats that are squirrel don-dye- d Carolyn black wool I skil- h lapel collar'on Apmin South Wolcott street Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 9 woolens woven fully tailored into superb down to Then detail Beautifully wrap-aroun- d Fir The Magic Touch of Luxury r Hotel Utah for four member Miss Martha A Havenor Barbara Davis' Miss Afton Ryberg and Miss Mary Ellen Taylor At th'e banquet which followed the ceremony Miss Lila Canavan Dr Rose T Widtsoe and Miss Cleone Jonea president of the Utah chapter were guest speakers 92 9995 styled it :::1 rtl )' squTt- d rel lavishly trims a coat in deep-sea-blu- e wool Carolyn NIk V k initiaticfn rites Saturday evening in the gold room at aophomore at an informal party London-dye- ‘'‘- - held entertain their will honor - Omicron Nu national honor- Members of Phi Beta Phi will Dorothy M Davis Is chairman and committee members include Miss Barbara Bergstrom Miss Kay Shill Miss Marie Shill and Miss Harriet Morris Friday afternoon members of the alumnae club will honor the new pledges at an annual na- tional "cookie thine" at the chapter house and later that evening pledges will honor the actives and new affiliates at a scavenger hunt Miss Annabelle White is in charge 2 k ary for home econorniCa majora Pi Beta Phi at their house -- Omicron Nu white and blue decorations around an armisticetheme will be used at the Phi Mu rush party Monday from 8 to 10 p m house 1415 Butat the chapter ler avenue- - Chairman Miss Ruth Hunter will be assiited by Miss Oenone Slack and Miss Fern Folater Miss Marjorie Lyon is chairman for the Thursday affair which will be held between the hours of 7 and 9 p in Committee members include Miss Laura Beth Bloomquist and Miss Mary Spat ford Seven pledge members of Phi Mu will be initiated into the active chapter Sunday at 2 p m at the sorority house They will be guests of honor at a banquet following the rites The initiates are Miss Foister Miss Forsyth Burt Miss Mary Miss Lora Jean Spafford Wheeler Miss Jane Nyvall Miss Louise Clayton and Miss Elsa Rasmussen Red rushee" i t - Sigma Ni affiliate' held An oMcers dinner at the fraternity house 95 South Wolcott street In honor of Ralph F Mc Whinnit" national inspector of th fourteenth divisionThursday evening The national officer inspected the chapter and led discussion at the business meeting which followed the banquet In charge - " '''' r Sigma Nu Miss Barbara Adams will be T) ' o's )7 Vs ' le t - 0- 4 $ - ' sw— " ''''' NM Aar" ' '''''' — Vile - - ' ‘ - Spencer T Peterson in in charge and he will be assisted by Dan C Minter Fdward Parker Melvin A Johnson gond Jordan H Stevens night" - mei-lee- - ' ' - l' i I 77-4- Mr and Mrs Elisha E dan 4710 Box Elder street ray announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Rhea H Jordan to James Shepard son of J H Shepard of Nampa Idaho The ceremony was read 31 at the home Friday October of the bride st sister Mrs A O Bradshaw 1860 Eedondo avenue The newlyweds will live In Salt Lake City blue chapter house 1431 Eant First South street A skit and choral selections will be presented by the chapter Miss Marcy Flint is chairman and her committee includes Miss Erma Hoyt Miss Jackie Moffitt Miss Shirley Nilsson Mica Betty Ballinger and Miss Mary Marjorie Gleave The traditional pine legend of the sorority will be held Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 9 p m at the house Miss Jeanne Owen will read the legend and decorations will be pine boughs pine cones and pine incense will be 'Delta Gamma - '' de I t JorMur- carried out in bronze pink and An Italian theme will prevail Marilyn 7 - t : 01 ' their home in Glendale Cal 221 G at the Wednesday (from 7 to a p m) rush party of the Delta Delta Delta sorority at the Miss - - 7 man and Max Barbara Busby Miss Margery Anne Crane and Miss Kathryn Conely will assist Active initiation ceremonies will be held at midnight Friday and Miss Lillian Culp will be in charge of the candlelight affair Mina Deone Skewes is pledge mintress and new initiates will be Mise Janet Woodruff Miss Susan Woodruff Miss Helen Monahan Miss Norma F Stephens Miss Bettie Parker Miss Virginia Porter and Miss Winn A slumber party will be held following the ritual and new members will be honored at a breakfast Saturday morning at the 'house Miss Conely will be toastmistress and Sarah G Smith and Miss Catherine Hosmer will assist Dorothy Lane I ''' )' : 0- -- Turner of Midvale announce the recent marriage of their daughter Misa Beth Turner to Kenneth W Carlson son of Mr and Mrs Emil Carlson of Wyllie is the son of Mr and Mrs Elmer S Wyllie 871 Jog" between the hours of 7 and 9 p m Miss Gloria Emery is chair- Tr-Del- ' ' Murray The marriage took place in Los Angeles and after a short honeymoon the couple will make Pacific avenue Two hundred guests attended the reception which was held Saturday evening for the bridal pair at Memorial house Memory park The bride was gowned in white satin and carried a bouquet of white gardenias and Delta Delta Delta I: ' ' rum i --- " and Mrs I i :- ' MIDVALE—Mr 1 1 Turner-Carlso- n room gift Mr ' SHOE VALUE EVENT' ? 6 1 I ' ‘ 14 '11:) i : e - k '0) 1 e 1 - - 'Luetta The Biggest " - ‘ I ' I :'-- F ad) 7C - d r 4 f I ! - IRush Parties Cram Calendar of 'U' Greek Letter Groups By Kathleen Evans 11 "" - 44C ‘1 - fl let i e t ' ir t f 0 '' 44 ' I 4100: ' - t - - - I t ' r! i ---- ' 1 1 4- ifiI it 1 4 ' ' ' o I ' t t I"' - - § N''''' w ‘ ' 4t 1 4 It - marriage Friday ' it - - Norma prover before her J 1 t': Mrs Elliot R ' - - ' 4 'ICY Members of the immediate 4 families and close friends attended the wedding ceremony ' uniting Mims Norma Grover 125 of Firot avenue d a xi Georg F Grover and Lieuten' - : nt Elliot S Airmet Jr 'Friday - it 1 evening Tht reremonY vas held 'ksi § at the home of th bridegroom's parents lir and Mrs E S Air ' met 577 Seventh avenue William M Faulds officiated The bride wore an afternoon dress of blue wool Black &cern— glories and a coraage of white bride's roses completed her costume She was attended by Mn Stanley Foutz Lieutenant Foutz i :t served as best man The bride is a former student I of the University of Utah and a ' TneMbot of Lambda chapter of 141a Sigma Phi and the Federal i Girls' club Lieutenant Airmet t i la a graduate of the University of Utah and of the air corps' rew airplane maintenance and engineering school lie ham been sasigned to active duty with the Seventh bombardment group ' Fort Douglas The bridr was recently honored at a luncheon given by Mrs F:thel Y Jacobs 1464 14th East atreet Other parties in the rear future include a linen IthnWPt to be given by Mrs Marlewle S Kelly and a miacelJanet-bus shower to be arranged Mrs Joseph W Jack Mrs by w E Cleveland and her (laugh- - tended by Mr and Mrs Roy ter Mrs Foutz also will enter- Book brother and sister-In-laWTI for the bride of the bridegroom A wedding supper followed CI u -- Book the ceremony and covers were marriage of quiet simlaid for members of the immea short and honeymoon plicity a new home in Ogden marks diate family and a few friends October as an eventful month Mr Book is the son of Mr and - for Mr and Mrs Raymond Mrs J F Book of Colorado mar-nag Frank Rook United in the evening of October 18 Springs Colo at the home of the bride's Sutton-Wylli- e parents Mr and Mrs Oscar V Cliff of Val Verda by Lorus En route Sunday for Pocatello Idaho where they will Manwaring the couple were at ghtr - k ' -r 1941 qa - - f - Nosember irhe 6a1t gake 'tdibtine Morning IT AT e YEAR of HOURS 10 to 6 DIAL 42580 |